Moldova Open Government related initiatives
August 16, 2011 Moldova expresses commitment to the principles and intentions to join OGP
January – March 2012 Consultation of NAP on Open Government More than 50 NGOs participated in WB meetings on OG Action Plan; Private Sector, Mass-media
Open Government Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova approved by Government Decision Nr. 195 on
Objective 1: Public integrity by ensuring a participative decision making process and citizen participation and increasing transparency in governance; Objective 2: Efficient management of public resources through the increase of public spending transparency
Objective 3: Efficient management of public resources through the increase of public spending transparency; 26 sets of public government data that will be open in 2012 related to education, customs, environment, health, agriculture, etc.
Most recent initiatives related to Open Government/Open Data Data Journalism Bootcamp for Moldova (May 14-15, 2012) BOOST Training (May 14-16, 2012) Smart Government Day (May 16, 2012) Open Innovation Challenge „Apps for Moldova” (May 18-20, 2012) For more information about the initiatives above, go to