Jeopardy By : Esther Michael
The Acceptor is the.. Ans. A drawee who has written “accepted” on the document and signed his/her name
Check issued against checking account with insufficient funds to cover it Answer. Bad check
Ans. Cashier’s check - A check the bank draws on itself
ANS Certificate of Deposit A written acknowledgment of the receipt of money and its promise to pay back the money, usually with interest on the due date
Ans. Certified Check A personal check that has been accepted by a bank before payment
Ans. Check - Draft drawn on a bank and payable on demand
Ans. Demand note Payable whenever the payee demands payment
Ans Drawee One ordered to pay the money
Ans Drawer Orders the money to be paid
Electronic Fund Transfer Banking method in which computers and electronic technology are used as a substitute for checks and other paper forms of banking
Forged check Check signed by someone else other than drawer and without authority
Paid in a series of payments Installment note -
Maker – Party agreeing in writing to pay money to another.
Money order Draft issued by a post office, bank, express company, or telegraph company for use in paying or transferring funds for the purchaser
Note - A written promise by one person to pay money to another person
Payee - One who is to receive the money
Sight draft - A draft payable as soon as it is presented to drawee for payment
Sight draft A draft payable as soon as it is presented to drawee for payment
Stale check - A check that is more than six months old
Teller’s check Draft drawn by a bank on funds that it has on deposit at another bank
Time draft Not payable until the lapse of a particular time period stated on the draft
Time note Payable at a future date that is written on the face of the note
Trade acceptance Used by a seller of goods to receive payment or to extend credit
Traveler’s checks Draft drawn by a well-known financial institution on itself or its agent