Objective 4.02 What qualifications do I need to work in the horticulture industry?
Skills Skills vary from unskilled to highly skilled depending on the career in horticulture. A materials handler needs few skills, but an inspector needs many skills to check for quality, for insects or diseases or for following governmental rules.
Personal Interests and Qualifications Before seeking a job one must consider: –Work inside or outside or a combination –Work in a group or alone –Work with people or plants –Work at routine tasks or varying jobs –Physical strength to do the job
Educational Qualifications Educational qualifications vary depending on the careers –High school graduate or less for unskilled entry-level jobs –Technical degree for skilled jobs –Bachelors, masters or doctorate degree for most professional areas because of required licenses, paperwork, research and/or teaching
Career Outlook Outlook for the horticulture industry is expected to grow because of the increase in population and new home construction. I see plants in your future!
What skills are necessary for employment in a horticultural career?