PowerPoint Presentation Tips Brought to you by – Mrs. Kelley The person grading your presentation!
Be Careful With Color Choice Make sure that your background color and font color contrast enough so that you can see them clearly. A good way to check this is to actually view your show. Sometimes, you will catch these details better when it is on a bigger screen.
Choose Backgrounds Wisely Many backgrounds can detract from your presentation either because it makes the words harder to read or because it is hard on the eyes. Make sure your text can be read and that the audience will not be distracted by the background.
Be Careful of How Much Text You Have Per Slide If you put too much information on one slide, the audience will not be able to read it. You don’t have to put all of the facts on your PowerPoint. You can just put the key points up there and then elaborate. This shows the audience and the teacher (grading you) that you really know what you are talking about. It will also keep everyone interested in what you are saying. Short Simple Elaborate
Font Choices 1.Your audience should be about to read your font easily. 2.The font should reflect the fact that this is an academic project. 3.At the same time, it doesn’t have to be boring. (aka Times New Roman or Arial)
Special Effects Do not think that you will make your project meet the seven minute requirement by using fancy effects… I may die before I can grade your project. Also, refrain from the sound effects. They are distracting and often times annoying to the audience.
Link vs. Embedded Video Uploading a link wastes time and there is no guarantee that it will work on the day of your presentation.
Link vs. Embedded Video Embedded videos offer a smooth transition and enhance your presentation.
Do not just read off of a piece of paper or the screen. Know your information and be prepared. But don’t forget your note cards just in case! On Presentation Day
I am here to help, so don’t be afraid to ask!