The Rise of Industrialism In America
What is Industrialism? Industrialism is the movement from agriculture to manufacturing (factories) as the main source of the economic growth Industrialism is the movement from hand- made goods to machine made goods Industrialism made America the richest country in the world- #1 in manufactured goods
5 Key Factors that led to Industrial Growth
1. Abundant Supply of natural resources Our country possessed a lot of coal, oil and iron These resources are used to make (iron) and power (Coal and Oil) factory machines
2. Railroads 150,000 miles of track by 1900 Railroads made our country a national market for the selling of goods Railroads allowed goods to be transported quicker and easier nationwide
US Railroads in 1900
3. The Opening of International Markets Our goods were exported worldwide ($2 billion worth by 1910) Coca Cola became a worldwide favorite
Coke in China
4. More people moving to the cities More labor for the factories Many farmers left their fields to work in the cities Immigrants poured into the cities
Urban Growth:
New Architectural Style New Use of Space New Class Diversity New Energy New Culture (“Melting Pot”) New Form of Classic “Rugged Individualism” New Levels of Crime, Violence, & Corruption Make a New Start New Symbols of Change & Progress The City as a New “Frontier?”
5. Government Support for Businesses The government made major loans to businesses Laissez faire (hands-off) approach by government Few rules on worker safety The rich businessmen did not pay personal income tax before 1913 High tariffs on foreign goods imported into the country-protected US industries
New Inventions and Innovations
The Invention of the Automobile 1886 Karl Benz and Gottleib Daimler of Germany built of the first gas- powered cars Very slow (4 speed,10 mph, 1.5 horsepower) Henry Ford built the first American automobile in 1896 1908-the famous Ford Model T became the 1 st mass-produced car
The Daimler Motor Carriage (1st car)
Henry Ford and his first car (1896)- video clip on Henry Ford Cities episode 6, 4:45-10:00
The Ford Model T-the 1 st mass produced car
How did the Invention of the car contribute to the Industrial age? Allowed Americans more freedom of movement Allowed more workers to travel greater distances to work (you could live farther from work) Created more jobs so people can make the automobile
How was the automobile made? The Assembly Line- single task production perfected in Henry Ford’s Detroit auto factories Very repetitious work-made people feel like a machine
John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil JD’s Standard Oil controlled 90% of the oil industry (oil, oil pipelines and railroads) JD almost had a monopoly (no competition) on US oil JD was one rich “dude”
Edwin Drake and Oil *Edwin Drake was the first to drill for oil in the USA in Titusville, PA Drake developed the first oil drill and well But unfortunately did not patent his invention and died in poverty The largest oil boom occurred in Texas
Steel Production The Bessemer Process- easier and cheaper to smelt iron into steel molds Steel became the “king industry” Steel was used to make railroads, bridges and support beams for skyscrapers
Andrew Carnegie and US Steel Drew’ went from rags to riches to become another very rich dude Carnegie’s Pittsburgh, PA-based company (US Steel) controlled over 80% of all steel production Carnegie had earned a personal fortune of over $25 million
D. H. Burnham 1846 – 1912 Use of steel as a super structure.
John A. Roebling: The Brooklyn Bridge, 1883
John A. Roebling: The Brooklyn Bridge, 1913
The Brooklyn Bridge today Single Image Photograph
William Le Baron Jenney 1832 – 1907 “Father of the Modern Skyscraper”
W. Le Baron Jenney: Central Y.M.C.A., Chicago, 1891
The Empire State Building
Statue of Liberty, 1876 (Frederic Auguste Bartholdi) Watch Statue of Liberty clip from America the Story of us (1 st part of Cities-10 minutes)
The Invention of Electricity 1880-Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb Used to power many new inventions- escalators, elevators, automatic doors, air conditioning, central heating Department Stores- Macy’s, Sears, JC Penney were the first of big ones to include many of these new inventions
Thomas Edison
Willis Carrier-invented the 1 st Air Conditioner I Love this Guy!!!!!!
The Invention of the Telephone Alexander Graham Bell patents the invention Bell used copper electric wires to transmit speech The phone revolutionized communication
The 1 st telephone contact
Department Stores and Mail Order catalogs Sears, Macy’s, JC Penney, Woolworths had huge stores to sell all the new manufactured goods Many were air-conditioned!!!! Sears and JC Penney offered mail- order catalogs-even if you lived on the frontier you could order and receive a product
The original Macy’s Department store in New York City