Career Management Chapters 3 and 4
Career Management Review from Ch. 1: Objective vs. subjective experience An example from your assignment?
Career Management Career and self-exploration Collection and analysis of information on career related issues Related to self-awareness Related to opportunity awareness Precursor to realistic goals and strategies
Career Management Self-exploration Values – abstract outcomes indicating individual preferences or desires Six primary life values: –Theoretical (knowledge) –Economic (financial gain, stability) –Aesthetic (beauty, creative aspiration) –Religious (spiritually based) –Social (concern for others) –Political (power, leadership)
Career Management Self-exploration Donald Super – work values, etc. –Work values (broad preferences for outcomes) –Interests (likes and dislikes) –Talents (aptitudes, abilities, capacities)
Career Management Self-exploration John Holland – General interest inventory on occupational orientations (focus on personality/style) –Realistic –Investigative –Social –Conventional –Enterprising –Artistic
Career Management Self-exploration Edward Strong – General interest inventory (focus on occupational preferences) –25 basic interests grouped by Holland’s orientations (subject areas, people, leisure, etc.) – inventory.html
Career Management Self-exploration Other assessments Personality –Meyers-Briggs –Big 5 Personality Inventory Striving Instincts – Aptitude tests Work Preference Inventories Temperament IQ and other cognitive ability tests
Career Management Self-exploration Edgar Schein – Career anchors –Technical/functional –Managerial –Autonomy –Security –Service –Pure challenge –Life-style –Entrepreneurship
Career Management Self-exploration Other techniques –Written interview –Diary – activity, affect, preference –Life-style representation Organize information into themes Explore the environment
Career Management Self-exploration Develop an inventory to assess: –Interests –Skills –Other talents and characteristics –Job related preferences
Career Management Self-exploration best when intrinsically motivating Incomplete exploration Coerced exploration Random and diffused exploration Ineffective forms of exploration Defensive exploration Exclusion of total life view
Career Management Career Goals Desired career-related outcomes Give an example of : conceptual vs. operational goals Expressive vs. instrumental goals Short vs. long terms goals
Career Management Career Strategies Competence in current job Extended work involvement Skill development Opportunity development Mentor and support development Image building Organizational politics
Career Management Career Appraisal Conceptual goal Operational goal Strategy What are the factors that limit effective career appraisal?