Reg Watson, Emad Fahmy, Fr. Mike Driscoll, & John King Click Here For Video Program in Counselor Education & Supervision
Personality Inventory Uses factor-analytic research with both clinical and normal adult populations Recommendations for use Multiple versions for multiple uses Self-report (Form S) & observer rating (Form R) – 2 short forms of the NEO Personality Inventory 3 (NEO PI-3) NEO PI-3 First Half Form R-Men and Form R-Women
Originally for adult men and women without psychopathology Used in clinical, research, and applied settings Examples: children as young as 10 adolescents years adults ages year-old boys and girls police officers premorbid personality in dementia patients
Norm Group NEO PI-3 – shown to conform cross- sectional findings Shows the importance of studying personality development in the twenties.
Examples of NEO PI-R Use Click Here For Video Use of NEO PI-R in Drug Rehab Unsuccessful matching different personality types to different substance abuse treatments. NEO may be helpful in identifying motivational factors that correlate with treatment success. Though normed with non-clinical populations, NEO was shown to be valid and reliable with clinical population.
Examples of NEO PI-R Use Computer and Adaptive Administration No computerized personality tests based on Item Response Theory (IRT) are currently available. NEO PI-R retains its precision when half of the 240 items are omitted. Administering personality tests by computer offers innovative possibilities.
NeuroticismAnxiety, Angry, Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness, Impulsiveness, Vulnerability ExtraversionWarmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement, Seeking Positive Emotions Openness to ExperienceFantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values AgreeablenessTrust, Straightforwardness, Altruism, Compliance, Modesty, Tender- Mindedness ConscientiousnessCompetence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement, Striving, Self- Discipline, Deliberation
Strengths & Considerations NEO – an excellent measure of personality Superb internal consistency of the scales Who has the personality to be President? Factor Analysis – a technique for narrowing down multiple factors Therefore, NEO is not a homogenous test.
Scoring Instrument’s format – 5-point rating scale: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Cultural Relevance Appears relevant in many cultures and countries. European, Italian, German, Finnish and Polish, Spanish, Indian, Asian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, and African American. Various age, education, & gender levels in Polish adults But not in every culture Hmong Americans
Overall Impression of NEO PI-R Click Here For Video Click Here For Video Rapidly becoming one of the most popular measures of normal personality Use in both research and applied contexts Information from the NEO PI-R is rich, providing many insights Five-factor model relates personality, presenting complaint, treatment plan, and treatment outcome well. References in notes section.