Supervising Instruction Week 1 Introduction
Supervision of Instruction What is the purpose of supervision in education? The purpose of supervision is to stimulate professional growth in educational professionals, education ministers and administrators.
Supervision of Instruction Models for Supervision There are five essential models of supervision that will be presented here that is based on the research of Sergiovanni and Starratt. The first two are the most commonly used for the majority of teachers. The third is used quite often for experienced and master teachers.
Supervision of Instruction The Five Models of Supervision Clinical Collegial Self-directed Informal Inquiry based
Supervision of Instruction Definitions of supervision According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, supervision is a noun described as the watching, overseeing, critical intense directing of a course of action or particular activities. Footnotes: Definition taken from the online Merriam Webster Dictionary
Supervision of Instruction Definitions of Supervision Brown’s definition of supervision is that “supervision will be thought of as activities performed directly with teachers for the purpose of improving their delivery of classroom instruction and consequently student learning.
Supervision of Instruction Definitions of Supervision Knoll’s definition of supervision is “the direct attention given to individual teachers by administrators for the purpose of improving classroom instruction.”
Supervision of Instructions Functions of Supervision Some of the functions of supervision are overseeing, education, administration, education and support.
Quick Quiz Please give one definition of supervision. 2. Give your own definition of supervision. 3. Why do you think that supervision is so important? 4. What is the purpose of supervision? 5. What are the five models for supervision? 6. Is supervision important to your ministry? Why?
Assignments for Week 1 Read PowerPoint notes. Read Master’s students: read 30-40 additional pages and use Reading Report Form Begin studying for Test 1. Write up: Write a definition for supervision. In your own words Explain what supervision would appear as in your ministry/profession. Try to be clear when expressing your thoughts.(This is Journal 1 for online students.) Begin working on writing assignment (see Week 9).