Bolivia LIVE 2011 Integrated Grammar 1A
Objectives – week 10 Repasar preposiciones. Observar e identificar diferentes verbos de acción en vivo y por palabra Hacer mímicas de las acciones aprendidas 2
Occupations (Jobs) Mrs. Bennet is a doctor. She examines patients and helps cures their illnesses. Jennifer is a nurse. She attends sick people in a hospital. John is a baseball player. He plays for the New York Yankees. Harry is a teacher. He teaches biology in the high school. Neil Armstrong was an astronaut. He travelled to the moon. The principal directs a school’s activities and personnel. The yard monitor monitors the children in the school yard during recess. Paul is a civil engineer. He designs and builds bridges and buildings. Sally is a pharmacist. She prepares medicines in a pharmacy. Joanna is a secretary. She takes care of correspondence and clients inn an office. George is an electrician. He installs and fixes electrical connections in houses and offices. 3
The baker bakes a birthday cake. Zack is a builder. He builds houses. John is a driver. He drives a delivery truck. A restaurant cook cooks meals for customers. The washing machine washes our clothes. Henry is a day worker. He works at the factory. My glass cutter cuts glass panes. That girl is a good dancer. She dances well. This vacuum cleaner cleans very well.
Brush your teeth with a toothbrush. He is a good baseball hitter. He can hit the ball far. The soccer player kicks the ball into the goal. His can opener opens cans easily. It’s east to mix cake batter with an electric mixer. That athlete is a bad runner. He can’t run fast! The swimmer swims slowly. That writer writes funny books. Horse riders ride horses.
Occupations (Jobs) A farmworker plants and harvests his crops to sell in the market. Childcare givers take care of small children. Day laborer works odd jobs on a daily basis. Construction workers construct buildings. Plumbers fix leaky faucet and sinks. An office worker works with correspondence. Bank tellers attend clients in a bank. A grocery clerk helps customers in a grocery store. An office manager supervises a business office. A businessman works in a business. Lawyers help clients with problems with the law. Public servants The mayor is the chief official of a city. A councilman represents the people of a city. School superintendents manage school districts. A landlord collects rent and manages apartments. Social workers help people receive public services. 6