Life of an Athlete It is not just that you put on uniform, or show up every day at practice or for the games… You are an athlete all the time, on and off the field. You represent your family, your community, your school, your teammates, your coach and YOURSELF.
In a few years it will be our time… Leave us a legacy … Set an example for us…
Life takes on meaning when you become motivated…
TEA M A common group on the same side, as in a game. A group organized to work together: a group with a common goal and desire to achieve a goal. All for one and one for all… Friends Teammates Family Community
A SHADOW OF YOURSEL F Are you at your best or are you just a shadow of what you could be? Are you really an ATHLETE? Is the life you are living conducive to being at your best? Live the Life of an Athlete.
What if you could do it over? Would of, Could of, Should of, Didn’t. What might have been, counts for nothing The biggest reason for failure in life or in sports, is giving up what you want most for what you want at the moment.
ATHLETE I am serious I am focused I am dedicated I am motivated I am an
The Last Huddle How quickly it will pass by… How unknowingly it will come to an end. The game will be over and you will not even realize the magnitude and significance of what has just ended. Later you will wish that you had called for a last huddle, to say to all your teammates that this is the last time we will be together like this… as a TEAM, as TEAMMATES… One of the most special times and experiences of your life will pass by. It will never be the same after this.
From the time you start systematic training, the clock is running EVERY MINUTE COUNTS DON’T WASTE IT FOCUS
MAKING IT COUNT Your finest day is coming… Will you be at your best?
Nothing good happens after midnight Remember what is important… You are an Athlete
You are our heroes… We watch you and wait for the day we will be just like you. Teach us how to live the life of an Athlete and be champions. Set the example for us, because we are the future of this program.
Visit AAI has researched the effect of alcohol on elite athletic performance Proven Scientific Facts: Alcohol increases the time for recovery of androgenic training hormones (Up to 96 hours- 4 days) Alcohols diuretic effect diminishes water soluble vitamins required for hormone catalytic/conversion actions HGH (Human Growth Hormone) release is reduced up to 70% during the sleeping hours when release is at peak levels Alcohol greatly increases the release of cortisol (the stress hormone) Cortisol negates training effect Alcohol decreases the protein synthesis for muscle fiber repair Alcohol can impair the blood glucose system for up to 36 hours Alcohol reduces the immune system capability - Athletes who drink get sick more often. Drinkers are twice as likely to become injured as non- drinkers Alcohol reduces performance potential by up to 11.4% in elite athletes and perhaps by as much as 15-30% in h.s. athletes Alcohol disturbs the REM sleep time, reducing the CNS restorative/recovery ability Alcohol impairs reaction time up to 12 hours after consumption Alcohol negatively affects heart lungs and muscle performance ( Lactate H.R.) Heavy episodic drinking results in projected losses of up to 14 days of training effect SUMMARY: Alcohol is a metabolic poison that crosses all barriers and negatively affects all systems of the human physiology simultaneously Time to educate your Athletes, Coaches…
Great things don’t just happen… They are made to happen. American Athletic Institute Live the Life of an Athlete…©
American Athletic Institute has studied the impact of alcohol on condition in elite athletes. Impact has shown significant projections in lost physiological condition that correlates to as much as 14 days of lost training effect…for each time drunk… AMERICAN ATHLETIC INSTITUTE 2005
What kind of performance will you have? Scans by Amen Clinics HEALTHY NORMAL BRAIN HEAVY TEEN ALCOHOL USER What kind of performance will you accept?
Think about what you are doing off the field… That will ruin what you do on the field… American Athletic Institute Underwood
The most overlooked aspect of reaching elite level in anything is LIFESTYLE
Blood flow in brain 8 HOURS SLEEPNO SLEEP
The CNS can only be at maximal intensive level for physical activity and function for 2-3 hours during a 24 hour period. Over stimulation of the Central Nervous System eventually results in chronic fatigue and breakdown. What works better: a fully rested brain or an exhausted brain jacked up on stimulants?
Nerve impulses travel inside the body at speeds in excess of 250m per second…
NON USER SIMPLE HAND SKILL MARIJUANA USER SIMPLE HAND SKILL Note: Subject not under influence during scan. Skill Recall Area
Remember when you are not training… That somewhere, someone is training… And when you meet them… They will beat you. Remember when you are partying… That somewhere, someone is not partying… And when you meet them… They will beat you. Alexander Karelin USSR 3XOlympic Champion 9X World Champion Matveyev USSR Underwood USA
All things of value come with a price … What are you willing to give up to achieve greatness?
The power within each athlete is far greater than you can imagine…
I will surround myself with positive PEOPLE PLACES THINGS I refuse to associate with anyone who keeps me from my goals…