Diabetes in Kentucky Schools KBN 2014
States Currently Allow Insulin Administration by Unlicensed Personnel in School Settings O Louisiana- July 12, 2012 O Arizona-April 2013 O Missouri –July 3, 2013 O California- August 12, 2013 O Kentucky - JULY 15, 2014 KBN 2014
Breakdown of Public Schools 173 School Districts across KY (school year ) – 1,233 schools Elementary – 669 Elementary/middle – 77 Middle – 217 Middle/high – 20 High – 202 Elementary/Middle/High – 12 Preschool – 36 These figures include two 6th-grade-only and two 9th- grade-only schools. KBN 2014
Number of Students O 675,530 Students in the Commonwealth public schools O For the school year , it is estimated there were 537 students PK-5 with a diagnosis of diabetes (Type1) KBN 2014
Catholic and Private Schools O KRS Health services in school setting defines “school employee to mean an employee of the public schools of the Commonwealth O Private and Catholic Schools are not governed by the law mentioned above KBN 2014
School Nurses……….. O Coordinate diabetes care in the school O Supervise diabetes care O Provide direct care (when available) O Counsel, health teaching, train O Communicate about health concerns to parents/guardian and health care team O Evaluate care provided KBN 2014
Number of School Nurses O As of October 2013 there are O 582 RNs in the Public School setting O 136 LPNs KBN 2014
Delegation O Wikipedia defines delegation as: the partnership of authority and responsibility to another person … to carry out specific activities. O Webster's Dictionary: O the act of giving control, authority, a job, a duty, etc., to another person O the act of empowering to act for another KBN 2014
KRS Chapter 314 Kentucky Nursing Law KRS (2) defines "delegation" as:... Directing a competent person to perform a selected nursing activity or task in a selected situation under the nurse's supervision and pursuant to administrative regulations promulgated by the board in accordance with the provisions of KRS Chapter 13A. KBN 2014
201 KAR 20:400 Nursing Delegation of the Administration of Insulin and Glucagon in the School Setting O Delegatee: means a person to whom a nursing task is delegated O Delegator: means a registered nurse who delegates a nursing task to another person KBN 2014
Who Can Delegate KRS (6) defines "registered nursing practice" as: …The performance of acts requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and nursing skill based upon the principles of psychological, biological, physical, and social sciences in the application of the nursing process in: KBN 2014
Registered Nurse Registered Nurse (RN) is the “delegator” KRS (6)…. d) The supervision, teaching of, and delegation to other personnel in the performance of activities relating to nursing care. KBN 2014