Aerobic respiration and exercise BATs Recall that aerobic respiration provides energy for work (E) Explain how glucose and oxygen are supplied to respiring cells and how carbon is removed. (C/D) Explain how heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise. (D) Starter What do you need to get energy (respire)? What do you give off as waste products of getting energy? Don’t forget your trainers next Monday
What do we breathe in and out? Try the experiment with the suck/blow tubes. Limewater goes cloudy when it is mixed with Carbon dioxide. Take care – Limewater is corrosive – you will need goggles and do not suck in the limewater. Which has the most CO 2 in it? Air we breathe in or air we breathe out?
FoodOxygen Breathing system Digestive system BLOOD These substances eventually arrive at the body cells
Aerobic Respiration Every cell in the body carries out respiration to provide organs with energy. Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide +H 2 O + The glucose and oxygen needed for respiration are carried to the cells in the blood. Carbon dioxide and water are removed from the cell into the bloodstream and go to the lungs to be exhaled. energy
R E S P I R A T I O N Oxygen Blood Food + capillary muscle cell CO 2 H2OH2O Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide +H 2 O + + energy The molecules of glucose and oxygen move into the cells by DIFFUSION Copy this or diagram C on p21
How does exercise affect our breathing rate? You will need: Stopwatch 1.Sit still and quiet for a few minutes 2.Count how many times you take a breath for 30 seconds, double it (breathing rate) 3.Exercise for 1 minute, then retake your breathing rate. Record your result. 4.What do you notice? Why does this happen
The heart The heart is a pump made of muscle. It needs to pump blood to the lungs to collect oxygen and dump carbon dioxide It then has to pump blood rich in oxygen (oxygenated blood) and glucose around the body. Look at the model heart to see how it is able to do this
How does exercise affect our heart rate? You will need: stopwatches 1.Sit still and quiet for a few minutes 2.Use the stopwatches to find your resting heart rate (beats per minute) 3.Exercise for 1 minute, then retake your heart rate. Record your result. 4.What do you notice? Why does this happen
How does exercise affect our breathing rate? Plenary Read p 22 in the text book Copy the 4 bullet points Answer question 1 Don’t forget your trainers next Monday
Aerobic respiration and exercise BATs Explain why heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise. (D) Explain why heart monitors give more reliable readings. (D) Starter What do you need to get energy (respire)? What do you give off as waste products of getting energy?
How does exercise affect our heart rate? You will need: Heart monitors 1.Sit still and quiet for a few minutes 2.Use the heart monitors to find your resting heart rate (beats per minute) 3.Exercise for 1 minute, then retake your heart rate. Record your result. 4.Rest and repeat for 3 mins (then 6 minutes) of exercise 5.What do you notice? Why does this happen
Aerobic Respiration -Plenary Fill in summary sheets What do these words mean: aerobic, capillary, diffusion Which was the most accurate way of measuring heart rate – taking a pulse with a stopwatch or the heart monitors? Why was this? Extension: Read page 23, 24 and 25 answer all the questions