More Than, Less Than Which Unit? True/False Estimation Station All Mixed Up
Samantha filled up the kitchen sink to wash the dishes after dinner. Did she use more than one liter of water or less than one liter of water?
More than one liter
Francisco’s mom packs him a bottle of water in his lunchbox every day. Does the bottle hold more than one liter or less than one liter of water?
Less than one liter
Rachel went to her grandmother’s house and helped her rake leaves. They filled up twelve garbage bags of leaves. All together, do the leaves weigh more than one kilogram or less than one kilogram?
More than one kilogram
While cleaning her room, Aubrey found twelve paper clips. Do the paper clips weigh more than one kilogram or less than one kilogram?
Less than one kilogram
At the dentist’s office, Samuel was given a cup of water to rinse his mouth out after getting his teeth cleaned. Did the cup contain more than one liter of water or less than one liter of water?
Less than one liter
Which unit should be used to measure the capacity of the object shown? a. grams b. kilograms c. liters
Which unit should be used to measure the mass of the object shown? a. grams b. kilograms c. milliliters
Which unit should be used to measure the capacity of the object shown? a. grams b. milliliters c. liters
Which unit should be used to measure the mass of the object shown? a. grams b. kilograms c. milliliters
Which unit should be used to measure the capacity of the object shown? a. grams b. liters c. milliliters
True or False? There are 1,000 grams in a kilogram.
True or False? A kilogram weighs less than a gram.
False A kilogram weighs more than a gram.
True or False? Mass can be measured in milliliters and liters.
False Mass should be measured in grams and kilograms.
True or False? There are 1,000 milliliters in a liter.
True or False? Capacity should be measured in milliliters and liters.
Which of the following is the best estimate for the capacity of a bathtub? 225 Liters or 225 Milliliters
225 Liters
. Which of the following is the best estimate for the mass of a chihuahua? 3 grams or 3 kilograms
3 kilograms
Which of the following is the best estimate for the capacity of a soda can? 355 milliliters or 355 liters
355 milliliters
Which is the best estimate for the mass of an eighteen wheeler? 8,000 grams or 8,000 kilograms
8,000 kilograms
Which is the best estimate for the capacity of a soup bowl? 500 milliliters or 500 liters
500 milliliters
True or False? The mass of a squirrel is about 25 kilograms.
False If a squirrel weighed 25 kilograms, it would be the size of a kangaroo!
Franklin’s teacher asked him to find the mass of his pencil. Would the pencil weigh more than 1 kilogram or less than 1 kilogram?
Less than 1 kilogram
Which object most likely has a capacity of 1 liter?
Which unit should be used to measure the mass of a whale? a. gram b. kilogram c. liter
Which is the best estimate of the capacity of a carton of juice? 200 milliliters or 200 liters
200 milliliters