JOIN TODAY! AMWA meets your critical needs now and in the future. Join and start receiving the many benefits of AMWA Student Membership today that will make an important difference in your professional life tomorrow. n 1915, Dr. Bertha Van Hoosen, a Chicago surgeon, gathered women physicians together for networking and support. In addition to developing a platform for voicing women’s issues, this group helped women gain recognition and representation in the medical field. And so, the American Medical Women’s Association was born. Even today, there continues to be a pressing need for female role models and mentors, as well as specialized professional development programs. Women need a forum to learn from each other on how to balance multiple roles, a career, and a family. AMWA members share the goal of promoting women’s health and advancement in medicine through advocacy, ensuring that these issues are on the agenda at all levels of government. AMWA physician and student members use their professional expertise and leadership capabilities to persuade and influence legislative bodies on issues affecting women’s health. AMWA acts to initiate change. Join us in our mission as we continue to work towards gender parity in medicine. American Medical Women’s Association The Vision and Voice of Women in Medicine since 1915 American Medical Women’s Association Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130 Reston, VA USA I Become an Student Member TODAY! CONNECT WITH US
Why join ? LEADERSHIP & MENTORING Enhance your leadership skills and influence women in medicine by applying for positions at the local, regional, and national level. AMWA programs facilitate networking with women physicians and other students across the country including the exclusive AMWA Charlotte Maguire Mentorship Database. STUDENT MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Membership does not expire until you graduate! Name _____________________________ Mailing Address _____________________ __________________________________ City _______________________________ State ________________ Zip __________ Phone ____________________________ _____________________________ Med School/Univ ____________________ Expected Graduation Year _____________ Who introduced you to AMWA? _________ ___________________________________ Indicate payment (U.S. dollars): Check Enclosed -OR- Credit: Visa MC AMEX (circle) Account number _________________ Exp date ___/___ Billing zip ________ Name on card ___________________ Signature ______________________ MAIL TO: American Medical Women’s Association Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130 Reston, VA USA OR SIGN-UP ONLINE AT: MAIL TO: American Medical Women’s Association Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130 Reston, VA USA OR SIGN-UP ONLINE AT: Premedical students: $50 Medical/Graduate students: Only $75! Med Student/Resident Combo: $125 BED & BREAKFAST PROGRAM Unique to AMWA, the Bed & Breakfast program provides a home away from home for AMWA members who are travelling. AMWA members can stay with AMWA B&B hosts across the nation to save on expenses and forge new connections when traveling for residency interviews, conferences, etc. FREE STUFF! Medical Students – receive a free Kaplan e-book of your choosing! Pre-medical Students – apply for a Kaplan scholarship worth up to $2,099 See our exclusive AMWA discounts from all our other partnerships on our website! The benefits of being a member! Unique member opportunities You can also sign up online at: GLOBAL HEALTH OPPORTUNITIES Get hands-on experience through AMWA! Become an Anne C. Carter Global Health Fellow and have the opportunity to participate in medical mission trips to affiliated clinics in countries around the world. Apply for an Overseas Assistance Grant through the American Women's Hospitals Service (AWHS). SPREAD YOUR VOICE Advocacy: Strengthen your voice on women’s health issues through AMWA’s alerts, lobbying efforts, and advocacy subcommittees. Get Published: In AMWA’s monthly e-newsletter and as a blogger online at Vote: Enjoy full voting privileges at AMWA’s annual meeting to select AMWA’s national student leaders. GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS As an AMWA Medical Student Member, you are eligible to apply for our need-based tuition scholarships, travel awards, local chapter and regional grants, and awards including: Anne C. Carter Leadership Award Young Women in Science Awards Membership Fee Waiver Member Education Scholarship Kaplan Scholarship Linda Brodsky MD Essay Award