Communicating with Parents and Students Through Social Media and Technology Beth Gasser, Vivid Image, Hutchinson
Social Media Basics What you need to know Social Media is social. No matter how private, it has a public aspect. Snapchat: servers and screenshots Social Media refers to public, online data, engagement, conversations, feedback, complaints, sharing, oversharing. Social Media is here to stay. Tools will come and go. Nothing can ever be deleted. Footprints You give up certain things in exchange for other things. Security, data mining, data sales Google personalized search Nothing is ever truly anonymous. Yik Yak, Whisper, After School, Rumr Geographical areas make a difference in SM usage Behaviors Lurking, Liking, Commenting, Sharing/Posting; there’s a difference! A very dark place indeed.
Where Are They & What Are They Doing? Social Media Facts 94% of teens are online daily 24% of teens are almost constantly online 2% or less of teens are online less than weekly 75-88% of teens have smart phones or access to one 75% of teens 13 to 17 years old use Facebook; Facebook still reigns #1 in social media platforms (but it’s falling) 50% of teens use Instagram 50% of teens use Snapchat 71% of teens use more than one social media platform 90% of teens with phones text; a typical teen sends and receives 30 texts per day. Source:
Where Are They & What Are They Doing? Social Media Facts Data reveals a distinct pattern in social media use by socio-economic status. Middle to upper income teens lean toward Instagram and Snapchat; lower toward Facebook Teenage girls use visually-orientated social media platforms for sharing more than boys 90% of social media-using teens who have witnessed online cruelty say they have ignored mean behavior on social media 81% of youth agree that bullying online is easier to get away with than in person 80% of youth think it’s easier to hide online bullying from parents than in-person bullying Source:
LET’S GET ON THE SAME PAGE Better Communication Using Technology? Better Communication Using Social Media?
Communication Two-Way, Back and Forth; In-Private or Public
Social Media Two-Way, Back and Forth; In Public and Documented
What are you visualizing? Using Social Media for one-way communication?
Technology There are lots of ways to improve one way communication using technology without social media Web Blog Text Portals Best communication practices apply to technology and/or social media Consistency Don’t try to be everywhere
Before You Start Using Social Media Frequent Challenges Social Media Policy Do you have one? Is it current? Is it too rigid? Do you know the laws and liabilities? Have a plan; a Social Media Plan This isn’t the same as a policy. This covers how you will handle negative comments, difficult situations, who will post and have admin rights. Has your photo permission slip been updated to include social media? Never be the only one with access to accounts
Before You Start Using Social Media Frequent Challenges Firewalls & Access Can you get on during your work day? Social Media roles have changed more than one person’s job description! It’s never about you RULE If you want to use social media you have to go where your audience is. This isn’t probably where a school/counselor wants to go or can go. If you want to bring parents and students to you, it can work, but it isn’t social media. You don’t own it. It can change. It can delete. Wi-Fi vs Data Prevention attempts creates obstacles for the adults & enticing challenges for kids that will end in them accessing.
Social Platform Overview You Asked About: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Kids Would Tell You to Learn: SnapChat, Instagram, Periscope
Let’s talk about: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google Snapchat Instagram Periscope Fan Pages vs Groups What is it? Are you on? Google vs Google+ How it works Its appeal Anyone heard of yet?
Best Tips Connecting with Parents and Students Be Consistent Don’t try to be everywhere Know how to use it yourself and be comfortable Learn text language, acronyms, and keep up with trends “y”, “LOL” examples You have access to a plethora of current data; ask a student, bounce ideas, let them teach you Ask student/parent preferences when possible. If you already do, check your form. Do you have all options listed or subjective answers spot?
Best Tips Connecting with Parents and Students Don’t be too wordy Don’t assume once and done. Anything that is a frequently asked question or reoccurring issue is a great place to start conversations. Facebook Groups for parents and/or students are probably a better fit for counselors than a page; function very differently More intimate, more private, more visible to those in the group Page vs Group: 10% rule
Best Tips Connecting with Parents and Students Teach students ; It’s archaic to them Counselors working with students with career planning, college applications, scholarship applications, and/or senior portfolios need to help them with LinkedIn; colleges, scholarships, and employers are checking here first. This fact isn’t new, but LinkedIn is new to high schoolers.
QUESTIONS? Beth Gasser, Vivid Image, Hutchinson