Supporting Evolution in the UnitingCare Newpin Program.


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting Evolution in the UnitingCare Newpin Program

Newpin - the context for change Since 1 July 2013, Newpin has been funded under Australia’s first Social Benefit Bond (SBB) Presentation explores shifts required by an outcomes focus: organisational cultural practice What was the context for change and how was change realised?

Newpin - the context for change Newpin had been self-funded by UnitingCare for 12 years Efforts to build a sustainable funding base had been exhausted We were set to close 2 of our 4 Newpin Centres in Western Sydney in 2013 Then the NSW Government announced a SBB pilot

What is a Social Benefit Bond (SBB)? New approach to financing social services Raises private capital for intensive support and prevention programs where good results → savings for government When SBB-funded program achieves agreed social outcomes → portion of government savings used to repay principal and provide a rate of return to investors

Testing 1,2,3… Could the Newpin ‘status quo’ create a viable SBB? Could we target a greater share of families with complex needs seeking family restoration outcomes? The 12 month development phase was a critical testing ground  enabling us to work with staff and develop new approaches to practice

Marrying accountability and fidelity The development phase allowed us to check that a new funding model did not compromise program integrity Important to communicate ‘ethical checks’ with staff Restoration outcomes have become harder to achieve  a practice response was needed

Breaking news: Year 1 results Today we have announced the Year 1 results for the Newpin SBB Despite low referral rates for the first 8 months, the program: Restored 28 children in care to their families Prevented children at risk of significant harm in another 10 families from entering care Is accepting referrals for our new centre in Wyong Achieved returns for investors of 7.5% How did we do it?

What is Newpin? Started in the UK and brought to Australia in 1998 Intensive centre based, group work program for parents and infants Underpinned by attachment theory and trauma informed practice Requires a commitment of two days a week for around eighteen months It’s all about relationships………..

What changed in Newpin? Referral routes Eligibility to program Length of time in program Types of family Reporting mechanisms Assessment process Home visiting Working with both partners

Staff Concerns Ethical Considerations Skill levels & professionalism Time constraints

Addressing the Changes Began discussions around change very early in the piece Introduced new reporting mechanisms within a realistic timescale Provided training and ongoing support for assessment and data collection Established good clinical supervision Worked in partnership to develop ongoing training around working with children and adults who have experienced developmental trauma

Most Significant Challenge Integrating the therapeutic work within the more formal assessments

Outcomes 100% staff retention Teams recognising the value of recording notes and of using a formal assessment Whole family contacts Team members have clearer roles and are more able to articulate the theory underpinning their practice

Newpin : It’s all about relationships “Fire can warm or consume, water can quench or drown, wind can caress or cut. And so it is with human relationships; we can both create and destroy, nurture and terrorize, traumatize and heal each other” Bruce Perry Senior Fellow of The Child Trauma Academy