Enabling Tools and Methods for International, Inter- disciplinary and Educational Collaboration E. M. Robinson, K. Hoijarvi, S. Falke, E. Fialowski, M. Kieffer, R. B. Husar Washington University, St. Louis Spring AGU, May 29, 2007, Ft. Lauderdale
Outline Current status of data network Current status of human-human connection Virtual Wiki Workspaces –DataSpaces –ActivitySpaces –ToolSpaces Conclusions
OGC WCS Data Access Protocol GEOSS Provides SOA for Coupling for Autonomous Nodes Facilitates Publishing, Finding and Accessing Data Emerging Air Quality Data Flow Network
The Information Interoperability Stack
Prototypical Virtual Workspace Purpose Product/Outcome DiscussionResources
Prototypical Virtual Workspace Purpose Product/Outcome DiscussionResources
Wiki Workspaces The wiki workspace is an example of the right amount of networking. The circle emphasizes that people are entering, participating and leaving the space as interested or needed. Wiki workspaces act as an archive of both the product and the artifacts needed to create it. Therefore collaboration can span the time dimension Right Level of Networking?
Sub-classes of Workspaces DataSpaces –Workspaces which connect data providers, transformers and users ActivitySpaces –Workspaces which connect people participating in an activity (e.g. proposal, report, meeting, …) ToolSpaces –Workspaces which connect tool creators (service programmers), tool orchestrators and tool users. These three types of spaces connect and draw upon the other two for resources.
Community Data Sharing - ‘DataSpaces’ Catalog - Find Dataset Describe Dataset Discuss Dataset Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Semantic Wiki: Structured (RDF and Unstructured Content Open, Standard Metadata - RDF Ready for Export/Harvesting by Registries, Catalogs
EECE 449/549 – Sustainable Air Quality Class project performed using the wiki All data artifacts uploaded on the wiki The project will continue next year and this workspace will be used as the starting point for continued work ActivitySpace Resources Final Report
Air Chemistry CF Naming Conventions Several iterations of proposed names occurred before the list was submitted Discussion was crucial Considerable resources on the CF convention were also pooled for this project. Collaboration was international ActivitySpace Discussion Submitted Names
EPA Air Quality Data Summit Created the workspace before the meeting for coordination and preparation Profiled Data Systems to find key features Meeting activities were recorded post-meeting. ActivitySpace Data System Profiles Meeting Notes
Community Air Quality Data System Post-Data Summit the group evolved into a committee to design the Community AQ Data System. Yellow box links the previous workspace to the current space The workspace is now focused on a tool, and is currently used to capture decisions made in bi-weekly telecons ToolSpace
Workspace Best Practices Collect distributed, but very related content and provide context Workspaces can be easily set up and evolve for the group needs The open nature of the wiki allows unanticipated contributions Provides rich archive of artifacts: discussion, resources and process the group took as well as the outcome Allow new users to easily enter the group and see the evolution of the space
Acknowledgments ESIP AQ Cluster Participants of workgroups that have been described here: –Christiane Textor, CF Naming Conventions –EECE 449/549 Spring 08 Class –Rich Scheffe, Data Summit/Community AQ Data System