u ND Phyllis W. Cheng | Director California Department of Fair Employment and Housing 1
2 DFEH Innovations and Efficiencies Automation: implemented appointment and Right-to-Sue systems; deployed new cloud-based Case Management System; maintain paperless offices. Intake reform: implemented telephone intake; ceased in-person intake; instituted online complaints. Office consolidations: accomplished 50% overhead reductions. Triage investigations: developed case grading system to triage cases. Target systemic discrimination: re-established Special Investigations Unit. Maximize statutory authority: file Director’s, group/class complaints; achieved historic $6 million class action settlement on family leave. Dispute resolution: developed new Dispute Resolution Division with 82% successful settlement rate. Training: sponsor monthly MCLE/HRCI webinar training, free to governmental agencies, saving State of California $400,000 in training costs to date. Regulatory reform: issued procedural regulations and rescind underground regulations. New partnerships: launched DFEH-UC|CSU|Community College clinical programs; training future civil rights lawyers & investigators; Civil Rights Graduate Fellowship pipeline program. Outreach: conduct in-person, webinars and social media outreach. Contract compliance: revitalized Office of Compliance Programs to ensure FEHA compliance by State contractors. Staff development: prevented layoffs and promoted 50% of entire staff. Savings to State: returned $3.5 million year-end funds to State Treasury. Governmental reform: assisted the Governor with efficiencies in absorbing rulemaking function of the former Fair Employment & Housing Commission in 2013.
3 Staffing Complaints Settlements Budget
Efficiencies Achieved by Case Grading, Systemic Investigations and Mediation Innovations 4
Efficiencies Achieved by Case Grading 5