FB Maschinenbau | Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen | Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Abele | 21XXXXKÜ1 | 0 Our Partners (in excerts) Our Offers to the industry Optimization of the Tool Geometry and the Machining Parameters to Increase Tool Life and to Enhance the Surface Quality of the Components Centrifugal Force Tests for HSC-Tools and Rotating Components Analysis of the Force and Vibration Ratios in High Speed Machining to Predict Process Stability Our Competences Development of Optimized Tools (e.g. Cutting Materials, Coating) used for the Field of High Speed Cutting of Sheet Metal Determination of the Maximum Operating Speed of fast Rotating tools by Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing Research Topic High Speed Machining Contact person: Jia Tian | |
FB Maschinenbau | Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen | Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Abele | 21XXXXKÜ1 | 1 Research Topic Titanium Machining Contact person: Roland Hölscher I | Current Research Topics Tool Life while Machining different Titanium alloys Research of different Cool and Lubrication Medium (Waterbased Emulsion, Ester-Oil, CO 2 -Cooling, MQL) Influence and Performance of Coatings on Tool Life Development and Evaluation of High Feed Tools (HFC) Influence of Machine Oscillations and Stability on the Cutting Process Examinations of the Usage of the HSC-Effect New Strategies for Economic Titanium-Machining Our Offers to the Industry Analysis of Machining Parts and Tools Process Forces Vibration Behaviour Part Quality Tool Wear, eg. Our Partners (in excerpts)
FB Maschinenbau | Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen | Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Abele | 21XXXXKÜ1 | 2 Research topic Powertrain Machining Contact persons: Patrick Pfeiffer | | Our Partners (in excerpts) Our Competences Holistic Increase in Productivity for Machining Processes within the Automobile Powertrain Implementation of Innovative Cooling and Lubricating Strategies Designing of High Performance Cutting Tools Our Offers to the Industry Analysis and Designing of Turning, Milling and Cylinder Boring Processes Concerning Tool Life and Wear Mechanisms Process Forces Part Quality Optimization of Tool Geometry for High Performance Cutting Tools (Carbide, Ceramic, cBN, PCD) to Improve the Operational Behavior Mapal
FB Maschinenbau | Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen | Prof. Dr.-Ing. E. Abele | 21XXXXKÜ1 | 3 Research topic Drilling and Reaming Contact persons: Thomas Hauer | | Our Partners (in excerts) Our Competences Tool Optimization for High Performance in Drilling and Reaming Simulation of Drilling and Reaming Operations Control of Uncertainties in the Process Chain Drilling-Reaming Our Offers to the industry Analysis of Tools for Drilling and Reaming Concerning Process Forces Vibration Behaviour Part Quality Tool Wear Optimization of Tool Geometry for an Improvement in Operational Behaviour