Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. HRD Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Visualization Queries: University of Texas at El Paso Computer Science Trust Lab and Center of Excellence Sharing Resources to Advance Research and Education through Cyber-infrastructure CI GEO ED X-INF ES The pipeline composition rules are applied to a knowledge base of visualization toolkit operators, ranging from Visualization Toolkit (VTK), NCAR Command Language (NCL), and Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). Each toolkit operator description is encoded in the Resource Document Framework (RDF), and includes: The input formats ingested The output format of the data produced The classification of the operator (e.g., viewer, transformer, mapper) The generated view if the operator is a mapper vtkImage Reader vtk Contour Filter vtkJPEG Writer dim, scalar type, byte order interval, color function {color function} {magnification} Vtk PolyData Mapper vtkImageData vtkPolyData vtkRender Window Knowledge Base of Toolkit Operators Nicholas Del Rio and Paulo Pinheiro da Silva Visualization toolkits, such as Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and Visualization Toolkit (VTK), consist of a suite of visualization operators from which users can chain together and build visualization applications. Using these toolkits can be challenging because users must: develop the applications using procedural code, and thus understand implementation details associated with each operator, including input/output formats, parameters, and function. Background A knowledge enhanced management system ingests the query and knows how to derive visualization pipelines. The system applies a set of rules for composing pipelines defined by the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and SPARQL queries. Input format of first pipeline operator must match format of data Output format of operator must match input format of following operator Output format of final operator must match input format of viewer Pipelines must contain an operator that generates the requested view Pellet is used to derive the pipelines provided: Information specified in the query Pipeline composition rules Knowledge base of toolkit operators Query Processing PREFIX formats PREFIX types PREFIX visko PREFIX params SELECT * IN-VIEWER visko:firefox FROM FORMAT formats:BINARYFLOATARRAY TYPE types:d2 The wild card (*) symbol was used in place of the view, resulting in multiple visualizations. Example: Velocity Model A Declarative Approach To Generating Visualizations Using the Semantic Web With the goal of improving scientists’ experience using visualization technology, we have applied the query-answering pattern to a visualization setting, where scientists specify what visualizations they want generated using a declarative SQL-like notation known as Visualization Query. Visualization Query Language PREFIX formats PREFIX types PREFIX visko PREFIX params SELECT visko:isosurfaces IN-VIEWER visko:firefox FROM FORMAT formats:BINARYFLOATARRAY TYPE types:d2 WHERE params:xRotation = 104AND params:yRotation = 0AND params:zRotation = 0 PREFIX visko PREFIX params SELECT visko:XYPlot IN-VIEWER visko:firefox FROM FORMAT TYPE visko:e1 WHERE params:title = Average-Data AND params:xDimSize = 338 AND params:xDimName = time AND params:yRAxisLabel = Mean-CO2 AND params:rPlotVariablesList = mean_CO2 AND params:yLAxisLabel = Mean-H2O-HMP AND params:lPlotVariablesList = mean_H2O_hmp Example: Environmental Data Parameter bindings fully specified Parameters controlled the plot annotation (e.g., titles and labels ) No parameter bindings, system will roll back to defaults Prefix Section (optional) View and Viewer Specification Data Characterization Parameter Bindings (optional) Parameter Format/Type Operator hasParam buildsView hasInput/Output View Geometry isa OWL-Service implementedBy