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83% of college women diet no matter how much they weigh. Female students who are in a sorority are more prone to dieting behaviors because they are generally held at a higher standard of appearance.
Developing a positive body image and a healthy mental attitude is crucial to a women’s happiness and wellness. “Body vigilance begets body worry, which begets food worry, which fuels the cycle of dieting.” We are constantly at war with our bodies – women are sold the message“if they can do it, you can do it; just try harder.”
Studies say that attaining a “beach body” is the # 1 motivation to kickstarting a diet Women are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer, or losing their parents. 75% of women’s ideal body shape is at least 10% underweight The pressure women feel to be thin is at an all time high
Teaches body to retain more fat when you begin eating normally Slows rate of weight loss Decreases metabolism Increases binges and cravings Increases risk of premature death and heart disease Linked to eating disorders Gradually erodes confidence and self trust
Many forms: low-fat, low-carbohydrates, high-protein, liquid cleanse, etc. Hundreds of diets have been promoted as the best approach to dieting. Strict recommended eating guidelines by omitting foods. Due to calorie and nutrient restrictions diets increase health risks.
At the age of 13, 53% of American girls are “unhappy with their body” …This increases to 78% by 17 years old. 1 out of every 100 women age is starving herself, sometimes to death.
Restricting leads to binging Immediate weight loss, not long term Food obsession External cues vs. Internal cues Body goes into Starvation mode Biological mechanisms prevent long term dieting
Eating becomes enjoyable and not shameful Trusting your body to make decisions and not the scale Dieting erodes confidence and self-trust No more binging and ignoring cravings Decreases risk of premature death and heart disease
Stop the diets for good by making peace with food and becoming comfortable with the weight that fits you
Discover pleasure and satisfaction related to food Get rid of “Forbidden Foods” Learn to enjoy all foods, regain trust Feel your fullness and listen to your body
External Cues Emotions Inability to be in tune with internal cues
A negative body image triggers dieting behaviors. Thus, appreciate your body, and understand that appearance says very little about your character and value. If you become accepting of your body, you will refuse to spend an unreasonable amount of time worrying about food, weight, and calories.