Building a Permanent Infrastruture including in e-field operations Real Time Operations
We set the standard Sense Intellifield Sense Intellifield and its employees are dedicated to providing real-time remote operation solutions and systems to make operations safer and more profitable for our customers in the world wide oil and gas community. It’s all we do !!!
We set the standard outline Reasons to Build a Real Time Remote Operations Center. Steps to Building a Real Time Remote Operations Center Tools for Building an Owner Operated Permanent Infrastructure SiteCom IMEX Discovery Conclusions
We set the standard e-field goals Improve Safety Performance in High Risk Areas Improved Working Environment in the office and in the field Better Decisions Enable faster access to the Correct Data Involve the correct Experts in all decisions Accelerate the training of new employees Improved Economics Increase production by implementing better decisions Faster Drilling of Wells Initiate Proactive maintenance plans Reduce the number of personnel required Reduce Travel and non-productive time Virtual Real Time Organization: Online, anytime, everywhere
We set the standard Real Time Operations Phases Operation Centers / Facilities 1 A Permanent Infrastructure 2 Utilize the Information 3 Closing Loops 4 Integrated operations Multi discipline teams Data integration Standardized formats Media integration Real time tools Better visualization Operations modeling Remote Operations
We set the standard An arena for collaboration between people across disciplines, companies and places. Uses technology to create a virtual reality onshore that brings people together in truly integrated teams. Environment for distribution of information and knowledge. Has reduced decision time and has improved decisions making. Requires new workflows and acceptance of these workflows by employees Operation Centers / Facilities 1
We set the standard Well Site Well Site Well Site Well Site Regional Centers Global Center (Technical Specialists) Global Center (Technical Specialists) HQ (Data Reporting) HQ (Data Reporting) Field life cycle - Drilling, Completion, Production, Intervention A Permanent Infrastructure 2
We set the standard Real Time Intelligence ® Use real time and historical data. Framework for Smart Agents. Intelligence is managed at both a central location and distributed in applications. All results immediately available to all (or selected) users. Viewers or visualization systems becomes simpler. RTI can set up templates, message boxes or alarms at selected destinations (e.g. the driller at a specific rig). Enables a simpler way to add real time decision power to real time operations. 3D Viewer Data Viewer Other applications RTI ® Well Sites Smart Agent 1 Smart Agent 2 Smart Agent 3 App * n Utilize the Information 3
We set the standard Closing Loops 4 Remote Operations Real Time Centers and Facilities Work Process Analysis and Consulting Real Time Data Management
We set the standard Real Time Operations Phases Operation Centers / Facilities 1 A Permanent Infrastructure 2 Utilize the Information 3 Closing Loops 4 75 Projects Delivered SiteCom Converter SiteCom Rig SiteCom Central Sense Discovery Sense Petroleum LandScape RTI RTI Partnerships WorkFlow Analysis, Consulting, Business Case
We set the standard On the rig Data Gathering Data Conversion Data Storage, Distribution On the rig Data Gathering Data Conversion Data Storage, Distribution A Permanent Infrastructure 2 Drilling
We set the standard Service Companies Home offices Satellite offices Experts & consultants On the rig Data Gathering Data Conversion Data Storage, Distribution On the rig Data Gathering Data Conversion Data Storage, Distribution Operation Center Data Gathering from other remote locations Rigs Platforms Service Companies Real Time Intelligence Agents Long-term data storage Data integration Data Distribution (anywhere in the organization) Operation Center Data Gathering from other remote locations Rigs Platforms Service Companies Real Time Intelligence Agents Long-term data storage Data integration Data Distribution (anywhere in the organization) A Permanent Infrastructure 2