AC298 Unit 9 Seminar Professor Kris Friestad
About your final project… Due TUESDAY of Unit 9, 11:59PM ET NO LATE PROJECTS ACCEPTED! Proofread! ◦ Spell check, grammar check, etc. ◦ Have someone else read it! Use proper APA format ◦ Citations ◦ Reference page ◦ Set up, etc. Support your ACTION ITEMS with your research! REMINDER: 250 POINTS
About your final project… Any final questions?
Careers in Accounting Auditor Budget analyst Financial accounting Management accounting Tax accounting Consulting Forensic accounting Internal auditing
Careers in Accounting Government Accounting International Accounting Non-profit accounting Bookkeeper Accounting clerk Payroll accounting Accounts payable clerk Accounts receivable clerk
Accounting career… Which one will you choose? What type of Accounting appeals to you? Please share your thoughts with us!
Professional certifications CPA-Certified Public Accountant CMA-Certified Management Accountant CIA-Certified Internal Auditor CSSA-Certified in Control Self Assessment CGAP-Certified Government Audit Professional CFE-Certified Fraud Examiner CFSA-Certified Financial Services Audit CISA-Certified Information Systems Auditor ABA-Accredited Business Accountant ATA-Accredited Tax Adviser
Professional Certifications ATP-Accredited Tax Adviser CGFM-Certified Government Financial Manager ABV-Accredited in Business Valuation CITP-Certified Information Technology Professional PFS-Personal Financial Specialist CFP-Certified Financial Planner PB-Professional Bookkeeper FPS-Fundamental Payroll Specialist CPP-Certified Payroll Specialist
Education Associate’s Degree- most bookkeeper and clerk positions require an Associate’s Degree. Bachelor’s Degree- most accounting positions require at a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree-some positions in accounting are now requiring a Master’s Degree
Education Do you have future educational plans? Will you pursue a certification? Please share!
Skills for Accountants Problem solving Analytical skills Technology skills Knowledge of general business Interpersonal skills Ability to work in groups Oral and writing skills
Skills for Accountants What skills have you obtained through your degree program? What skills would you still like to obtain? ◦ How will you gain these skills? Any other thoughts about accounting skills?
Sources for more information
Coming up for Unit 10… Discussion Board ◦ Reflection – PLEASE join us! :) Writing Assignment ◦ One page paper ◦ Use proper APA format ◦ Respond to the questions THOROUGHLY ◦ Ensure that your viewpoint and purpose are clearly stated.
Coming up for Unit 10… Writing Assignment ◦ Demonstrate logical and appropriate transitions from one idea to another. ◦ Your paper should be highly organized, logical and focused. ◦ See rubric in Doc Sharing folder
Unit 10 Writing Assignment One page response to the questions below. 1. Reflect and describe which key concepts and topics in this course have made you a stronger candidate to enter the business world. 2. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development as a student and as a person as well as encouraging you on your academic path. This assignment is due: SUNDAY, OF WEEK 10, 11:59PM ET This is DIFFERENT than the usual Tuesday deadline!
Unit 10 Discussion Board Reflect on key concepts and topics learned throughout the course. Identify benefits from having completed this course. Discuss your continued professional development. Discuss your continued learning plans. Please join us in this discussion!
QUESTIONS??? Good luck to you all! Thanks for a GREAT term!