Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME1 * The research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship of the European Community’s Seventh Programme under contract number (PITN-GA CATHI) I.Mondino CATHI Marie Curie Initial Training Network Cryogenics, Accelerators and Targets at HIE-ISOLDE Irene MONDINO (BE-RF-SRF)* WP1, ESR2 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME2 I. Mondino Outline Background Activities at CERN Project Status and Achievement Training Conclusions and future activities
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME3 I. Mondino Background EDUCATION Politecnico di Torino Electronic Engineering – Master Programme WORKING EXPERIENCE Accenture Management consulting – Business processes design and modelling TERA Foundation and ADAM Traineeship Grant for a position in CERN - RF measurements on a prototype linear accelerator unit for protontherapy
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME4 I. Mondino Activities at CERN HIE ISOLDE PROJECT WORK PACKAGE 1: SC cavity development and test ESR2: Cavity and Cryomodule tests: Setup of the cryomodule test stand Cold tests of the SC cavity Investigation of Q-drop effect Since May 2011
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME5 I. Mondino Activities at CERN Low-β cavity (12) Nb over Cu technology Required parameters High-β cavity (20) HIE ISOLDE SC CAVITIES f (MHz) β0β Designed Gradient (MV/m)6 73U/Eacc 2 (mJ/(MV/m) 2 ) x10 8 Q 0 for 6MV/m at 10W4.7x Epk/Eacc5.6 80Hpk/Eacc (Oe/MV/m)96 10Pcav (W)10
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME6 I. Mondino Activities at CERN Preparation and mounting of the cavity Rinsing (b252) Transport to Sm18 Assembly in Sm18 CR Transport to Sm18 RF test place Insertion in cryostat
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME7 I. Mondino Activities at CERN Warm RF tests: on the cavities (resonance frequency, loaded quality factor) on the RF line (attenuation measurements, check of the coupler and pick-up line with the network analyzer) characterization of different power coupler prototypes.
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME8 I. Mondino Activities at CERN Cold RF tests: Quality factor measurements Frequency shift measurements
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME9 I. Mondino Project status and achievement Research training theme and task description Conceptual design and specifications for QWRs Still on going Internship in associated partners: IPN, Orsay, France: Cold Test of HIE ISOLDE SC cavities TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada: technical visit INFN Laboratories, Legnaro, Italy: Cold Test of HIE ISOLDE SC cavities Setting up collaboration with industrial partners (ZANON, CINEL, SDMS)
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME10 I. Mondino Training, Publications and technical visits Attended schools: Sixth International Accelerator School for Linear Collider, Pacific Grove, California, USA Attended training courses: “Radiobiological “Travailler en salle “LABVIEW for Attended language courses: “Written Preparation for TOEFL Street Institute, Geneva Attended conferences: Talk on RF tests at the 3rd Annual Review of the EuCARD WP10-SRF collaboration, in Berlin, 29th-30th March 2012
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME11 I. Mondino Training, Publications, Conferences, and Technical Visits Publications and reports: W. Venturini Delsolaro et al. “Status of the superconducting RF activities for the HIE ISOLDE project”, Proceedings of LINAC 2012 RF measurements test reports Attended technical visits: INFN Laboratories, Legnaro, Italy: CERN HIE ISOLDE visit INFN Laboratories, Legnaro, Italy: cold RF tests of a 1.3 GHz SC cavities produced at CERN with the HIPIMS technique. Attended meetings: HIE ISOLDE Kick off meeting (21/10/2011) 1 st and 2 nd International Advisory Panel CERN
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME12 I. Mondino Conclusions and future activities RF Tests: Finalize the coating parameters to achieve the HIE ISOLDE specifications Tuning plate tests Validation of the new LABVIEW interface to automate the usage of processing and measuring equipment Test of LLRF prototypes Training: Superconductivity for Accelerators, Erice, Italy, 25th April to 4th May 2013 Conferences: SRF 2013, 16th International Conference on RF Superconductivity, Paris, France, September 22-28, 2013 (tbc) IPAC 2013, International Particle Accelerator Conference Shanghai, China, May , 2013
Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012N. SURNAME13 I. Mondino Contact : Thank you for your attention