PCT - IS PCT EDI Electronic Data Interchange Neil WILSON MIA/10, September 2004
PCT - IS Introduction Requirements Implementation Status PCT EDI
PCT - IS Electronic document interchange can bring productivity and quality benefits PCT EDI Introduction More and more players have the data/documents in electronic format Need a simple and secure mechanism for the electronic communication of patent data/documents
PCT - IS Simple / Secure / Adaptable / Low cost PCT EDI Requirements Bi-directional (upload/download) PCT COR Interface Automated document indexing Provide for a future SOAP Interface
PCT - IS PCT EDI Implementation
PCT - IS AU prototype for PCT COR PCT EDI Status KR in Production for priority documents US - Priority documents received on CD Testing ongoing with FR/ES/CA/??
PCT - IS Service available today PCT EDI Summary Has low implementation costs Uses secure SSH Eliminates costs of paper handling and manual indexing of documents Will help improve quality of service