The Great War
MAIN Causes for War in Europe 1.M ilitarism Building up of armies 2.A lliance Systems 3.I mperialism 4.N ationalism A devotion to the interest and culture of one's nation Led to competitive and rivalries among nations
European System of Alliances Triple Entente (Allies) France Britain Russia Triple Alliance (Central Powers) – Germany – Austria-Hungary – Italy
Spark to War i9iIrA Archduke Franz Ferdinand Heir to Austrian Throne Austria
Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia Alliance system pulled one nation after another into war Germany (obligated by alliance with A-H) declared war on Russia, France (allied with Russia) Britain (allied with Russia and France) declared war on Germany
The Western Front
Remained Neutral Where did the US stand?
Americans stay Neutral 3,000 miles away was war Why should the US be involved? Public opinion was torn
Against US Involvement Cultural Ties with Germans and Austrians Socialists Others felt war was evil: “I didn’t raise my boy to a soldier, I brought him up to be my pride and joy. Who dares to place a musket on his soldier, To shoot some other mother’s darling boy?” WAR
Support for War ①Felt close ties with Britain (culture and laws) ②Sympathy grew for Allies ③American newspapers – dubbed Germany “the bully of Europe” ④Economic interests – trade with Europe declined
German U-Boat May 7, 1915 – U-boat sunk British liner Lusitania 1,198 lives lost 128 were Americans Americans were outraged
the-lusitania-in-1915#u-boats-sink-the- lusitania-in-1915
German Response Explained the liner carried ammunition 1915 sank the Arabic – 2 Americans died 1916 sank the Sussex – 80 Americans died US warned it would break neutrality Germany said tell Britain to end blockade Wilson kept US out of war
America Prepares for War Shipped millions of dollars of war supplies to Allies 1917 Americans mobilize for war on against Central Powers
Zimmerman Note German letter to Mexico Urged Mexico to go to war with US US outraged
US Declares War! 1.Zimmerman Note 2.Germans declared submarine warfare 3.Russia Revolution (communists take over Russian government) 1917