P RESENTATION O VERVIEW 1. Context and Beginnings of Digitization 1. Chauveau Collection 2. Committee Briefs and Reports 3. News Clipping Files 2. Prioritization / Planning 1. Parliamentary and Policy Documents 2. Archival Documents 3. Special Collections Documents 3. Conservation and Circulation 1. Server 2. Catalogue 3. Thematic Guides 4. Full-Text Search Software 5. Virtual Exhibitions 4. Conclusion
1. C ONTEXT AND B EGINNINGS In 2003, at the National Assembly… Pierre-Joseph-Olivier-Chauveau Collection is designated as "historic property" by culture and communications department Parliamentary committees want to make committee briefs and reports available to MNAs and public Reference librarians would like to be able to search in Library's news clipping files
1.1 C HAUVEAU C OLLECTION Chauveau Collection designated as historic in 2003 Non-standard formats and fragile documents DIGIBOOK scanner purchased Optimization
1.2 C OMMITTEE B RIEFS AND R EPORTS Request from parliamentary committees Accessibility and dissemination of briefs and reports Purchase of automatic-feed scanner
1.3 N EWS C LIPPING F ILES News clipping files on various subjects kept since ,527 boxes to store More than two million press clippings to digitize Contract outsourced: digitization, character recognition and integration into ZeDOC software
2. P RIORITIZATION / P LANNING Parliamentary and policy documents Archival documents Special Collections documents Not counting requests from priority clients: MNAs, political and administrative staff, press gallery journalists, Officers of the Assembly ( Ethics Commissioner, Lobbyists Registrar, Chief Electoral Officer, Auditor General, Public Protector)
2.1 P ARLIAMENTARY AND P OLICY D OCUMENTS Digitization completed Journal des débats (Hansard) Assembly journals (Votes and Proceedings) Parliamentary committee briefs and reports Budget estimates Bills introduced (1st reading) Annual statutes Speeches and press conferences by MNAs and Ministers Political party documents Reports from Québec public inquiry commissions Future digitization projects: Documents tabled during the 37th, 38th and 39th Legislatures Annual statutes (English versions) Revised statutes Public accounts The Table (index) Journal of the Legislative Council Statutes of Québec ( )
2.2 A RCHIVAL D OCUMENTS Digitization of Iconographic documents from archive groups Electoral campaign materials (posters, pamphlets, etc.) Institutional archives (negatives of pictures taken at protocol activities, large formats, mosaics...)
Objective: Provide remote access to archive groups and collections Avoid handling and circulating documents Protect and conserve documents Documents are accessible through virtual document management system
2.3 S PECIAL C OLLECTIONS D OCUMENTS 1st exhibition at the Library
1st document digitized Le Théâtre des cités du monde, 1574
Prioritization for digitization of Special Collections: Documents to be rebound Documents for exhibitions at the Library or Assembly Documents on loan Rare and precious documents in the Library’s holdings
3. C ONSERVATION AND C IRCULATION 3.1 Server 3.2 Catalogue 3.3 Thematic Guides 3.4 Full-Text Search Software 3.5 Virtual Exhibitions
3.1 S ERVER Digitized documents are saved on the Library's digital repository server (Web server) Same server is used to store electronic documents acquired by the Library
3.3 T HEMATIC G UIDES 4 Thematic guides (LibGuides): Québec policy and parliamentary documents Parliaments: technologies and communications Québec inquiry commissions since 1867 History of education in Québec: major policy and legislative texts In preparation: White Papers, Green Papers in Québec Civil Code of Québec: legislative and policy texts Québec political programs and slogans
3.4 F ULL -T EXT S EARCH S OFTWARE NatQuest Pro Full-text search software - Journal des débats (Hansard) ZeDoc Full-text search software - Press clippings
3.5 V IRTUAL E XHIBITIONS Virtual exhibitions since 2011: Histoires de députés (MNAs’ Stories) Library Treasures Governing New France Travel Tales from the 16th to the 18th Century Le Devoir Duplessis
4. C ONCLUSION 3 REASONS TO DIGITIZE Conservation - Circulation - Research 3 TYPES OF DOCUMENTS Parliamentary and policy documents - Archival documents - Special Collections 3 LESSONS LEARNED Training - Organizing information - Initiative
Q UESTIONS ? T HANK YOU ! For more information about Work procedures and scanners: Denis Perreault Circulation tools: Marc Audet