Tinikling : Traditional (1955) - Grass dance: Hula Videos to get ready:
Emillee Carr Second Grade Social Studies and Art
Culture - The attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization. Customs/Traditions- a specific practice of long standing; an inherited pattern of thought or action. Review:
Students will participate in a discussion about three different cultures (Pilipino, Native American and Polynesian), and how they use dance as a method of storytelling. Students will identify connections between dance movements and the meaning behind them through videos and explanations. Students will demonstrate knowledge of “culture” by writing a story about their culture of a culture previously learned about. Students (in groups) will brainstorm, write and demonstrate a story through interpretive dance. Learning Objectives
Many cultures use dances to tell the stories of their culture. Philippine - Native American - Polynesian (Hawaiian) Things to watch and listen for: Body movements Rhythm (how it is made) Clothing Possible meaning Keep in mind we will be having a discussion and participation is required How can dance be used to represent a culture and tell a story?
Groups of 3-4 students Decide on a culture (your own or one we talked about) Write a story and dance Three parts or ideas in story one dance move per idea Creating rhythm is optional! Activity
On the front: What was successful about your story/dance? What didn’t work as well? On the back: Culture means________. This can be about a culture we learned about or your own! Reflection: