Did Story Sebastián Núñez Miranda
This is the story of two twin brothers called “Did”.
One brother “Did” was always with his best friend “Not”.
And the other brother “Did” was always with his best friend “Question Mark”
They were auxiliary verbs, and when people were in trouble, the twin brothers and their friends were always ready to help anyone. Auxiliary verbs
One day at Liceo Barón… there were two students. Hi bro, how are you? Hi! I’m fine.
Very good, I went to the Alejo Barrios Park. And, how was your Independence Day Celebration?
And…you eat anticucho? Ah? I don’t’ understand… is that a question?
YES! it is a question, but I don’t know how to make questions in the past. But, don’t worry, let’s call the Did brothers, they can help us.
Did brother auxiliary verbs at your service.
yeah sure, I'm on the way. Hello, I have a problem, my friend doesn’t know how to make a question sentence in the simple past. Can you help him?
So, “Did” and his best friend “Question mark” went to help the students at Liceo Barón.
Hi Did, can you help me? Okay, this is very simple.
Using Did in questions. We use Did to make questions in simple past. And when we do so, the verb goes in its base form, not in its past form. For example: - I ate lots of empanadas last weekend. We have the verb to eat, and its past form is ate. If we wanted to make a question in the past, it would be like this: -Did you eat empanadas last weekend? -Did you ate empanadas last weekend? Did+ Subject +Verb (base form)
More examples: Did I understand the story? Did you go to the ramadas? Did he eat anticuchos? Did she fly a kite? Did we drink chicha? Did they dance cueca?
Thank you “Did” and “Question mark” You´re welcome, see you next time.
And… Did you eat anticuchos last weekend? Emm… no, because I’m a vegetarian.
._. … End of part one…
Now… part two.
Another day at Liceo Barón, in the English class…
When suddenly… CrasH!!
Who broke the projector?...ah ?
He Broke the projector!!!!._.
… No teacher! I not break that!!
Ah?... I don’t understand what you’re saying. Is that a negative sentence in the simple past? Yes, it is, but I don’t know how to say it.
But, don’t worry, let’s call the Did brothers. … …
Did brother auxiliary verbs at your service.
Okay no problem, I'm on the way. Hello, we have problem, I have a student who needs your help, he can't make a negative sentence in the simple past.
So, “Did” and his best friend “Not” went to help the students at Liceo Barón.
hello students!, this is very simple... I'll explain it to you.
Using Did in negative. We use Did to make negative sentences in simple past. And when we do so, the verb goes in its base form, not in its past form. For example: - I threw a paper plane in class last Monday. We have the verb to throw and its past form is threw. If we wanted to make a negative sentence in the past, it would be like this: -I didn’t throw a paper plane in class last Monday. -I didn’t threw a paper plane in class last Monday. Subject +Did +not + Verb (base form)
More examples: I didn’t understand the story. You didn’t go to the ramadas. He didn’t eat anticuchos. She didn’t fly a kite. We didn’t drink chicha. They didn’t dance cueca.
Thanks “Did” and “Not” for your help! You’re welcome, see you next time.
I didn’t break the projector!! Then, who did it?
The End