If a major news event happened in the world, how would you access the news? For Example, Would you read a newspaper or would you get the news from the internet? What did the pancake say to the baseball player? Dat – a cross between a dog and a cat with the worst characteristics of each. Goals – Understand the context of the key concepts related to the two types of news sources, traditional and non- traditional. Homework – Don’t forget to study for Vocabulary #32. Checking dailies Friday.
Period 1 and 2 SBAC. Period 7 – Do you think tests like the one you just took will improve education? Why or why not? How do you keep cool at a ball game? Rectalgia – literally, a pain in the rectum. Goals – Check dailies. Read and analyze an article about testing. Homework – none.
Period 1 and 2 SBAC. Period 7 – What sort of studying could help you prepare for writing the essay tomorrow? Why? What is the best way to carve wood? Tattle basket – a gossip. Goals –Continue analyzing Testing Article. Homework – none.
Period 1 and 2 SBAC. Period 7 – How do you feel about your chances of passing the test? Why? How do you get a peanut to laugh? Yazzihamper – a lunkhead. Goals – Study for quiz # 32 or read more articles? Homework – None.
Five minutes to study for vocabulary Quiz # 32. What do you get when you cross a goose and a camel? Smouger – a cheat; chisler. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary study #32. Homework – none.