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How will you actually improve when you do next to no writing and what you do you do carelessly? WHY IS WRITING DIFFERENT?
When did you write these? How long did it take? Where did you write these? Did you pre-write, and if so, how? What amount of time did you spend revising? What would you have done differently? SUMMER WRITING REFLECTION
Where do you write best? When do you write best? What pre-writing strategies work best for you? How much time does it take you to write one page of an assignment (on average)? Two pages? WRITING REFLECTION
Which is better? Why? Which was harder to write? Why? What were the differences between how you wrote the two essays? How did these differences affect the quality of each essay? ESSAY COMPARISON
What are your ideal writing conditions? What strategies help you write best? What challenges do you face in writing well? What is your plan to overcome them in this class? WRITING INVENTORY