Paying with a Procard and Upcoming Procard Training PTCA FAR Meeting 05/06/14 Paying with a Procard and Upcoming Procard Training PTCA FAR Meeting 05/06/14
PO Open Encumbrances from DEFINE Can we use our Procards to pay open purchases orders from Define? – –YES, and we encourage you to do so. Can we use our Procards to pay open purchases orders from Define? – –YES, and we encourage you to do so.
PO Open Encumbrances from DEFINE What am I required to do in order to use my Procard? – – PO cannot exceed $5,000, including freight – –Items on the PO do not have Procard restrictions – –Contact vendor and confirm if they accept credit cards What am I required to do in order to use my Procard? – – PO cannot exceed $5,000, including freight – –Items on the PO do not have Procard restrictions – –Contact vendor and confirm if they accept credit cards
PO Open Encumbrances from DEFINE What if my PO balance exceeds the $5,000? – – Contact Purchasing: Yvette Medina Purchasing Business Analyst ext What if my PO balance exceeds the $5,000? – – Contact Purchasing: Yvette Medina Purchasing Business Analyst ext. 4974
PO Open Encumbrances from DEFINE What if my PO exceeds the $5,000, but my balance is less than $5,000? – –Remainder balances on open PO’s can be paid with a Procard only if less than $5,000. – –Contact DTS, provide PO number for verification – –Balance must be paid in full – –One time exceptions will be granted. – –All documentation is required for each Procard transaction. What if my PO exceeds the $5,000, but my balance is less than $5,000? – –Remainder balances on open PO’s can be paid with a Procard only if less than $5,000. – –Contact DTS, provide PO number for verification – –Balance must be paid in full – –One time exceptions will be granted. – –All documentation is required for each Procard transaction.
Procard Documentation What documentation is required to support my Procard payment? – –Complete Procard Log – –Attached backup documentation Include a copy of the Legacy Purchase Order completed in Define Packing Slips Itemized Vendor Invoice Receiving Report What documentation is required to support my Procard payment? – –Complete Procard Log – –Attached backup documentation Include a copy of the Legacy Purchase Order completed in Define Packing Slips Itemized Vendor Invoice Receiving Report
Procard Payment Due Dates UTShare payment due dates are as follows:UTShare payment due dates are as follows: –Citibank Statement date for April 4 th thru May 3rd Cardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on May 13 thCardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on May 13 th Department Managers must approve by May 20 thDepartment Managers must approve by May 20 th –Citibank Statement date for May 4 th thru June 3 rd Cardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on June 6 thCardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on June 6 th Department Managers must approve by June 20thDepartment Managers must approve by June 20th UTShare payment due dates are as follows:UTShare payment due dates are as follows: –Citibank Statement date for April 4 th thru May 3rd Cardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on May 13 thCardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on May 13 th Department Managers must approve by May 20 thDepartment Managers must approve by May 20 th –Citibank Statement date for May 4 th thru June 3 rd Cardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on June 6 thCardholders must begin to reconcile transactions on June 6 th Department Managers must approve by June 20thDepartment Managers must approve by June 20th
Procard Training in UTShare/PS PS Procard Processing Using UTShare Thu., May 8 th 8:30 – 10:30 UH :30 – 3:30 MB Thu., May 15 th 8:30 – 10:30 UH :30 – 3:30 MB Thu., May 22 1:30 – 3:30 FS – Downtown Thu., May 298:30 – 10:30 UH :30 – 3:30 MB 0.328
PTCA Contact Information – –Fax: –Lisa Bixeman, ext. 7993, –Anne Jackson, ext. 4059, – –Fax: –Lisa Bixeman, ext. 7993, –Anne Jackson, ext. 4059,