IB History HL Questions on the Progressives
2003 Using specific evidence from one or more countries in the region, assess to what extent immigrants’ expectations of social and economic opportunities were fulfilled in the period Assess the influence of intellectuals on society in one country in the region, in the period In what ways, and for what reasons, did the aims of the progressives appeal to people in the Americas from the late 1890s to Support your answer with specific evidence from one or more countries in the region.
2004 In what ways, and for what reasons, were there changes in immigration policies in the second half of the 19 th Century in one country of the region? Analyze the main features and impact of one cultural or one intellectual development in the Americas in the period from 1850 to Compare and contrast the ideas of Booker T. Washington and WEB Du Bois on improving the position of African-Americans in the US.
2005 What were the aims of the Progressives, and to what extent were they achieved by 1920? Support your answer with specific examples from one or more countries of the region Explain why there was a high level of immigration into one country of the region, in the second half of the 19 th Century.
2007 Analyze the main features and impact of one cultural or intellectual development in the Americas in the period 1850 to Analyze the domestic and foreign policies of one leader in one country of the region between 1850 and 1919 Evaluate the influence of intellectuals on society in one country of the region during the period 1890 to 1919
Assess the significance of Booker T. Washington in the advancement of African- American rights. He was one of the dominant figures in African American history in the US from He argued that self-support and self-reliance were the key to improved conditions for African Americans in the US and that they could not expect too much, having only just been granted emancipation. His aim was to improve African-Americans education, which would lead to social advancement. He avoided openly campaigning for equal civil and political rights. He received national prominence for his Atlanta Address of 1895, attracting the attention of politicians and the public as a popular spokesperson for African American citizens. In his speech, he argued that African Americans needs for education and economic progress were of foremost importance and that they should concentrate on learning industrial skills for better wages. Only after establishing a secure economic base, could African Americans hope to realize their other goals of political and social equality
Active in politics, Booker T Washington was routinely consulted by Republican Congressmen and Presidents about the appointment of African Americans to political positions. He worked and socialized with many white politicians and notables. Although labelled by some activists as an “accommodator” his work cooperating with white people and enlisting the support of wealthy philanthropists helped raise funds to establish and operate hundreds of small community schools and institutions of higher education for the betterment of black persons throughout the South. In addition to the substantial contributions in the field of education, Washington did much to improve the working relationship between the races in the US
2009 Analyze the successes and failures of Woodrow Wilson’s ( ) domestic and foreign policies. Domestic: his presidency resulted in the passage of a number of key pieces of progressive legislation. Among these were passage of the Underwood Simmons Tariff, the 16 th to the 19 th Amendments, the Federal Reserve Act, the establishment of the FTC and the Clayton Anti Trust Act, the Keating Owen Act… Foreign: his involvement in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti; the treaty of Nicaragua and the purchase of the Virgin Islands, WWI and the peace settlement,….successful participation…successful visions of Treaty of V and League…was he unrealistic about the War possibilities, and his failure to persuade the US to enter the League
2010 Compare and contrast the successes and failures of one US President and one Canadian leader between 1865 to 1929
Goals and Achievements –Could approach the question thematically Goals for Social reform (living and working conditions, immigration, temperance, sanitation in meat industry, consumers..) Goals for Economic reform (regulation, trusts, tariffs, banking, finance,) Goals for Political reform (women’s rights, women’s right to vote, reform of city, state, federal govt. Galveston, Wisconsin, Presidency, Senate)
Or, approach the question through the different groups of reformers –Crusading “muckraking” journalists –Ministers of the Social Gospel –Club Women –Crusading Politicians, inc. Presidents Wilson, Taft and TR
Their policies didn’t always appeal, didn’t appeal to all groups –Appealed to Middle classes most –Working classes also, but not Prohibition, or Assimilation culture of Settlement Homes –Political Reform didn’t appeal to Robber Barons or to Political Machines etc….did to middle
Examine the impact of immigration on one country of the region from the late 19 th century to the early 20 th century. 2. With reference to at least one country of the region, to what extent were the aims of Progressivism achieved by 1929?
Unit 5 Essay Test Answer A or B A. Compare and contrast the ideas of Booker T. Washington and WEB Du Bois on improving the position of African-Americans in the US Or B. Analyze the goals and motives and the successes and failures of Theodore Roosevelt’s or Woodrow Wilson’s domestic policies.
Unit 5 Essay Test Answer A or B A. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the aims of the progressives appeal to people in the Americas from the late 1890s to Support your answer with specific evidence from one or more countries in the region Or B. Compare and contrast the goals and motives and the successes and failures of Theodore Roosevelt’s and Woodrow Wilson’s domestic policies.
Essay Test 1. What were the aims of the Progressives, and to what extent were they achieved by 1920? Support your answer with specific examples from one or more countries of the region. 2. Assess the influence of intellectuals on society in one country in the region, in the period Compare and contrast the ideas of Booker T. Washington and WEB Du Bois on the position of African-Americans in the US.