Coleshill Memorial Park Coleshill Town Council
History of Coleshill Memorial Park Given to the Town under the stewardship of the Town Council following WW2. Many local residents will have memories of the park but here is one example…
Memories of Coleshill Memorial Park It became the Memorial Park after the wars but before then it was the Swan Field. There has been cricket on the field since 1854. There was an Athletic Festival from 1872 that ran at least for 27 years probably more. There has been football played on the field since 1885. The first game was on 12th December 1885 against Nether Whitacre. The team played in Blue Jerseys, White Knickerbockers, Blue Stockings and White Caps, supplied by Alfred Dabbs who had a haberdashery on the High Street. Captain Digby presented the club with Oak Goalposts in 1887. The top field was shared between the football and cricket, I don't think the bottom field was in use then. It was famous for it's slope. Also, the football team were famous for their hospitality and their specialty "Rabbit Pie" which stuck as their nickname for many years. The Coleshill Charity Cup was played for every year from 1909 until late 60's early 70's. A crowd of 2500 was not unusual. The Coleshill Town Band played there for many years. There was a Donkey Derby on the field when I first moved to Coleshill in 1987 run by the Scouts! Very popular.
Why is the Council improving the Memorial Park? The Memorial Park needs improvement Sports is clearly a huge part of the park and the Council wants to enhance and improve the facilities available. The Council decided to take an holistic approach Instead of small projects over many years, we’ve rolled these projects into one master plan to achieve a good result both in terms of what’s at the park and in terms of value for money.
How has the Council developed the plans for improvements? Summer 2014 – Town Council appoint Moore Environment to design the master plan Autumn 2014 – Moore Environment and the Town Council carried out a consultation with local residents. Hundreds of responses were received. Winter 2014 – Reports on the consultation, external funding etc. reviewed by the Town Council. January 2015 – Town Council commits £120,000 for phase one of the Master Plan February 2015 – Town Council formally reviewed the Master Plan making over 30 changes from the original plan. July 2015 – Moore Environment appointed to implement the Master Plan August 2015 – Borough Council confirm commitment to invest £30,000 into the project.
What’s in the plan for Coleshill Memorial Park? The Mater Plan…
The Master Plan
Two phases to this plan Phase One Extending the existing play area New older children’s play area by the Skate Park New seating areas around pathways and additional litter bins New outdoor gym and trim trail Improved Millennium Garden (part 1) New car park surface and new surface around the Pavilion Improvements to boundaries and entrances (part 1) Tree and Shrub planting Groundwork's to old play area (eventually where new Tennis Court will be)
Two phases to this plan Phase Two: New pathways Improvements to Millennium Gardens (Part 2) Gateway features at entrances Further Green Gym equipment Remove basketball court and install new MUGA New access ramp to the football field Remaining tree planting Improvements to existing hedge Remaining seats, litter bins and dog bins.
MUGA, trim trail, skate park, outdoor gym, new play are, events area…
Improved garden, improved play area, new tennis courts…
New surfacing around Memorial Park Centre and car park
Somewhere for our four legged friends!
Next steps… The Council has now appointed three Councillors to be part of a working group with the Town Clerk and Moore Environment. This group will help support the development of detailed plans by Moore Environment. Moore Environment will prepare tender documents and contracts The Council will appoint a contractor to undertake the works We want you to get involved and be kept up to date…
Getting Involved During the consultation process the Council asked respondents if they’d be interested in being involved with a Friends of Park group. Around 80 people said they’d like more information about it. The Council will soon be looking into what such a group might do and how they would be set up. Other Friends of Park’s groups organise activities and events, take part in working groups, apply for funding for specific projects and take pride in their park to make it a welcoming and friendly place to visit and spend time.
Would you like more information? If you’d like more information about the park project and to be kept in the loop about a potential friends of the park group, please fill in the forms on your seats and leave them at the back on your way out. Any other questions?
Thank You