From Iasi, Romania, I proudly present you…
Well, let’s start with the youngest: She is Helen… Hmmm, I said: Helen!
Oh, she is really absorbed by all those on- line coloring pages and games with animals, and fairies…
Helen, when you are using the Internet, there should be always running an antivirus on your computer!
And here it is Alex! He is looking now for information for a school project (…but he uses to waste time with Internet games...)
Alex, don’t keep your personal information on your address!
Next, we have Liane, our young missy! She is very ambitious and, of course, she is the best in her class! Guess where from does she know all those (history, biology, geography, physics etc.) interesting things?
Liane, don’t give out your address to any websites!
Let’s meet Costy, the big brother! Costy, please come here!
Costy: Hi Justin… Justin: Hi Costy Justin: How are you? Costy: I’m fine, guess what.. Justin: Let me think…You got a new PDA Costy: Yeah! How did you know it? Costy: Who did tell you? Justin: Uhmm… Justin: A little bug.. Costy: I must go. Costy: My parents need my help now Justin: Ok…See you later Justin: Good bye! Costy: Good bye! I knew it! I didn’t tell to Justin
(He was chatting with his friends, of course... On his new PDA!)
Costy, don’t chat with unknown people !
That’s Dad, sending s to customers! It Seems the rating is good
Dad, don’t agree to meet in isolated places !
You would expect Mom is in the kitchen, eh?
Well, I’m afraid she is in a web-meeting with her Project Manager, then she has to check- out some files on server.
Mom, don’t give your personal information (credit card number, pin code, address, so on ) !!!
That’s all my family! Bye-bye!
Oh, who am I ?! Just a minor BUG!
Don’t trust him, not all the informations on the Internet are true !