June 2013
Tourism Statistics Branch Purpose and Current Complement Collect, produce & publish all official tourism statistics for NI and input to EU, UK & RoI statistical publications 4 statistical staff, 1 administrative NISRA CSU
Tourism Statistics Branch Provide estimates on the value and volume of tourism (overseas and domestic). Manage performance surveys of the accommodation sector and visitor attraction centres in the tourism industry Design, implement and report on additional annual or ad- hoc in-house research projects.
Tourism Statistics Branch Current data collections Demand NIPS - achieved sample, 2011 – 16,300 (63%) Domestic Tourism module - 2,750 interviews; 400 had taken an overnight trip in NI.
Tourism Statistics Branch Supply Occupancy – census of hotels - April 2012 – 56 (53%) GHBBs – stratified random sample - April (28%) Annual self-catering - achieved sample, (27%) Visitor Attraction participated in 2011 (37%)
Northern Ireland Passenger Survey Survey of Overseas Travellers Total Overseas Visitors Household Travel Survey Total Out of State Visitors Total Domestic Total Visitors Northern Ireland Tourism demand
Tourism Supply Self catering annual (NISRA) Visitor Attractions Survey annual (NISRA) Guest House, B&B and Guest Accommodation monthly (NISRA) Hotel Occupancy monthly (NISRA) Tourism Supply
Tourism Statistics Branch Publication of 2012 results Anticipated end June to include ROI visitor figures Will include revised 2011 figures ‘Via’ figures now based on 3-year rolling averages
Tourism Statistics Branch Current Issues 1. Sub-regional estimates 2. Supply side response rates 3. Methodological review