Science Central Fort Wayne, IN
What We Requested Partnered with afterschool programs at Boys & Girls Club and Urban League Kits from and Lab created 2013 to provide 10 afterschool enrichment programs for up to 320 students; 5 sessions at their locations Free admission to up to 75 students and 75 adults
The Idea Expanded Partnerships Boys & Girls Club 26 weeks through the school year. Urban League 10 weeks a year. Camp Scholarship with 40 kids for a full week of summer camp.
Outcomes Using surveys and verbal feedback we will assess the following program goals: –90% of students will report they are confident in their ability to participate in science. –90% of students will be able to identify at least on societal issue impacting their life that has to do with NANO technology. –90% of students will report they know what careers are associated with NANO technology.
Outcomes 2%38%60% 5%46%49% 28%54%18% 13%22%7% 58% 353--Afterschool Enrichment Total Kids 164--In-house NANO Days
NANO Materials NANO Kits from Would You Buy That Demonstration? NANO Lab from 2013 Mini Grant Marketing Press Kit The Mini Exhibit Training Materials
Sustainability—Grants & Revenue Exhibit Floor and Activity Tables Professional Development Volunteer Program