General news, future LC organisation, update on CDR Vol3… Lucie Linssen L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012 1.


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Presentation transcript:

General news, future LC organisation, update on CDR Vol3… Lucie Linssen L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th

CLIC CDR, published/printed L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th Physics and Detectors => published ANL-HEP-TR CERN DESY KEK Report Printed copies were sent out at beginning of April. In some cases, copies took >1 month in the mail. Please let us know in case your copy did not arrive.

3 L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012 Organisational matters  Post-2012 Linear Collider organisation under ICFA, in preparation At KILC12 it was announced: search committee converged on one candidate for LC director Candidate still needs to be approved by ICFA Possible announcement of LC director + 3 associate directors at ICHEP, July, Melbourne

Possible future LC organisation 4 L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012 Currently, discussions are ongoing within WWS-OC and within the groups/collaborations about a model for the future physics&detector box. Some level of convergence.... about having stronger bottom-up approach than current ILC RD model

ILD SiD CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D groups involved in “world-wide LC detector work” CLIC p&d CLIC p&d R&D 5 L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012

ILD SiD CLIC p&d CLIC p&d CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D possible future LC organisation (this is nothing more than current discussion basis…) R&D steering review ‘director’ 6 coordinator/facilitator bottom-up coordinating body representatives from blocks below R&D L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012

More bottom-up and self-organising than the current ILC RD structure Build upon current strong groups (ILD, SiD, CLIC p&d, CALICE, LC-TPC, FCAL..) More clear visibility/involvement of participating institutes Rotation of responsibility roles Try to limit the number of “steering groups” Try to limit the number of “review” bodies, and ensure that the review bodies are real “expert bodies” ? Questions: Role of WWS ? Which parts of the structure needs to be fully global ? Which parts of the new structure need “regional representation” ? More remarks about the future LC organisation 7 L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012

CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Institute Board (IB) Chairperson One person from each institute CLIC Detector Executive Team Lucie Linssen Mark Thomson, James Wells, Konrad Elsener CLIC Detector Executive Team Lucie Linssen Mark Thomson, James Wells, Konrad Elsener Steering Board Executive team Representative ILD Representative SiD Working group conveners Chairperson of IB Steering Board Executive team Representative ILD Representative SiD Working group conveners Chairperson of IB  working groups  CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. CLIC Steering Committee (CSC) acc. + det. ✓ “ ad interim” next step to be implemented ✔ exists already requires drafting MoA + participants (will take ~1 year) CLIC p&d CLIC p&d R&D 8 “CLIC physics and detector study” L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012

These are all CERN-funded projects  (e.g. CERN contribution to LHC experiments, accelerator operation, etc, etc) CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project this project stands for: “funding to work on LC detectors: ILC/CLIC concepts and R&D” project leader is Lucie (nominated by CERN DG) 2 explanatory slides, serving just to give background info… 9 L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012

ILD SiD CLIC p&d CLIC p&d CALI CE LC- TPC FCAL R&D group (ILC) group (ILC) “collab” (CLIC)  host lab “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) “collab” (LC) R&D CERN LCD project participation CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project R&D 10 CERN- LCD project CERN- LCD project R&D L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th 2012

Accelerator: Philippe Lebrun, Daniel Schulte, Steinar Stapnes, Nobu Toge Physics/detector: Frank Simon, Harry Weerts, James Wells, LL Angela Lucaci Timoce Timescale: Due date for a full draft: June 20th Submit Volume 3 at end July Submit a 15-page condensed version as CLIC input to European Strategy process A few more meetings were held recently and editing has started Lots of discussions about energy staging implementation options for the machine CLIC CDR volume 3

CLIC CDR volume 3, status Foreword (1p) and/or Introduction (1p, nothing yet) Physics overview (5-7 pages, James Wells) Detailed outline was set up ✪ Writing has started The CLIC machine technology (6-8 pages, Daniel Schulte) Detailed outline was set up Detector technologies (5 pages, Angela, Frank, Harry, Lucie) First draft of the full text exists (extracted from Vol2) Implementation of the project (8-12 pages, Philippe Lebrun) Convergence on the scope/options ✪ Strategy, objectives and work-plan for post CDR phase (8-12 pages, Steinar and Lucie) Detailed outline was set up ✪ Physics potential (5-7 pages, Frank) Detailed outline was set up ✪ Good progress with new benchmark studies ✪ => writing will start soon

L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th

L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th

Physics/detector objectives: Lucie Linssen, FCAL meeting, Zeuthen, May 8th Implementation study and technical demonstration phase Physics studies, following up on 7-8 TeV and 14 TeV LHC results Exploration of SM physics (incl. Higgs, top) and reach for new physics Adaptation of strategy for CLIC energy staging and luminosity levels Detector optimisation General detector optimisation + simulation studies in close relation with detector R&D R&D: Implementation examples demonstrating the required functionality Vertex detector Demonstration module that meets the requirements Main tracker Demonstration modules, including manageable occupancies in the event reconstruction Calorimeters Demonstration modules, technological prototypes + addressing control of cost Electronics Demonstrators, in particular in view of power pulsing Magnet systems Demonstrators of conductor technology, safety systems and moveable service lines Engineering and detector integration Engineering design and detector integration harmonized with hardware R&D demonstrators Challenging detector technologies, considered feasible in a 5-year R&D program Most of the work in common with ILC

Ongoing benchmark studies, staged energy L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th New benchmark studies (ongoing) with staged energies (In addition to studies already reported in the CDR) Stage 1: E cm = 500 GeV machine (+350 GeV running) L int = 500 fb -1 Higgs mass measurement (500 GeV, 350 GeV) t-tbar threshold scan (350 GeV) Stage 2: E cm = 1.4 TeV L int = 1.5 ab -1 triple Higgs coupling SUSY studies with “Model 3” sleptons (inc. stau), gauginos Stage 3: E cm = 3 TeV L int = 2 ab -1 triple Higgs coupling

L. Linssen, CLIC physics and detector monthly meeting, May 14th