Development and validation of a hybrid physical-ecological model for Narragansett Bay: EcoGEM. Jamie Vaudrey Department of Marine Sciences, Uconn Manager’s Meeting, URI May 3, 2012
Acknowledgements funded by NOAA CHRP 2005, 2011 collaborators Christelle Balt Deanna Bergondo, PI Mark Brush, PI Daniel Codiga, PI Christopher Deacutis, PI Wally Fulweiler Sue Kiernan, PI Chris Kincaid, PI James Kremer, PI Jason Krumholz Nicole LaSota David Murray Scott Nixon, PI Candace Oviatt, lead-PI Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert Warren Prell, PI Edwin Requintina Sr. Leslie Smith Heather Stoffel David Ullman, PI Jamie Vaudrey
15 Boxes Surface Element Bottom Element
O 2 N P N Land-use Atmospheric deposition N P Productivity Temp, Light, Boundary Conditions Chl, N, P, Salinity Phytoplankton.. Physics Surface layer Deep layer Bottom sediment Flux to bottom Photic zone heterotrophy Benthic heterotrophy Denitri- fication O 2 coupled stoichiometrically BZI ƒ(Chl 2d ) ƒ[Chl] ƒ(OM,T) % Processes of the model & basis for formulations: mixing flushing only 17 constants and coefficients Benthic C
River 1 = Moshassuck + Woonasquatucket River 2 = Blackstone + Ten Mile + Bucklin Point WWTF River 3 = Pawtuxet River 4 = Taunton + (est. Mt. Hope and Sakkonet) River 5 = Hunt River 6 = Palmer River 7 = Fields Point WWTF + E. Providence WWTF
Nutrient Multipliers
Control Nutrient Input by Day
Example of Model Scenario
bold lines = 80% reduction in N and P input
Future Work add in 2007 improve model interface provide more detailed analysis on the skill of the model conduct demonstration scenarios
n = 2301 n = 98 n = 1271 n = 179 n = 164 maximum