23 rd WP8 Bi-weekly meeting Lukasz Krzempek (TE-VSC-DLM) TAS-Q1 – vacuum equipment design
Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM General view of 3d conceptual design (ATLAS&CMS) 1)Created solution is a baseline of current vacuum system 2)Where possible – aluminium solution (transition) 3)BPMSW 4)3 structures to remove independently: gate valve TAS, VAX+BPM, gate valve IR 5)Long bellows to transfer transversal & longitudinal while short ones - longitudinal TAS Experiment Alignment issues Sector valve moves with TAS absorber Sector valve moves with vacuum chamber VAX+BPM moves independently Pumping/venting lines together with angle valve on site Tunnel
Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Other views JFC3 ATLAS Important Angle valves integrated as close VAX body as possible Chain for quick disconnection DN40
Notes and more views (1) VAX module: Penning Pirani Rupture disc BA NEG cartridge Ion pump Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Height: 740mm Bellow: aluminium Bellow’s connections: stainless steel In work connection of angle valves with vax body D159mm Groove for compressing/extension mechanism 250mm – free length 270mm – installation length Design based on Stainless steel standard solution
Notes and more views (2) Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Conceptual compressing/extending model In 3d design: 20mm distance left for ‘bellow installation length’ Going to aluminium bellows, stretching is even more preferable then compressing (to be further checked)
Cabling/piping management (thermocouples + heating power) - proposal Nicolas Zelko (TE-VSC-BVO) contribution Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM 2xConnector LEMO (thermocouples + power) for every structure extension patch panel Zone radioactive Non-radioactive NH25 for power/MCT32 for Tces Tce OD2.6mm+/- 0.2mm Power (currently in ATLAS) 1mm2 -> 2x1mm2
Cabling management (1) Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Nomenclature: Tce: thermocouple type E VEC: heating collar VET: heating tape + insulation thickness 8mm VEJ: heating jacket + insulation thickness 25mm Calculated section: 1055mm2 Ion pump cable assumption ~D1cm Total: 1200mm2 ?
Cabling/piping management (2) Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM Outside diameters: 1.Flange DN63 + heating collar OD114+3 thickness (mm)= OD120 (mm) ~140 (mm) 2.Tube DN63 + heating tape + insulation OD63+tape+8 thickness (mm)=83 (mm) ~100 (mm) 3. Bellow + heating tape + insulation OD83 + tape + 8/25 (mm) = 103/135 (mm) ~120/150 (mm) The rest of pumping/ venting instruments depends on design
Next steps Lukasz Krzempek TE-VSC-DLM 1.Cooperation with integration office 2.Alignment issues in further design 3.Remote handling issues 4.Magnetic tests (M1 magnet available around October/November – contact Benoit Cure)