Little Masha and Misha the Bear Linda Kliefoth CTAP 295
CTAP 295: A gateway to new learning. How to search for web sites. How to design a web site. How to design an interactive lesson plan.
Little Masha and Misha the Bear Standards based with something for everyone! LLanguage arts MMath SScience SSocial Science SStudents CColleagues PParents
Integrating Curriculum to interest all students. Teaching to the standards Using technology to facilitate learning. Creating access for students and teachers.
Little Masha and Misha the Bear This unit allows students to explore heroic characters in literature, cultural diversity and expository text about bears and habitat. And students are allowed to learn about their world while making links with their personal experiences.
Students Learning About the World
The Web Site
Excellent Instruction CTAP should know that without the excellent instruction of Sally Gilstrap many of the students in this class would not have completed this project. Work days with the presence of a knowledgeable instructor are key to teachers completing their projects.