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S&P 500DowNasdaq -8.49%-9.95%-4.62%
Commodity Prices Why the Drop?
Commodity prices have been steadily dropping since 2011.
Main Reasons for Drop: Chinese economy is on the verge of a major slowdown, especially in the Industrial’s/real estate sector.
Chinese Manufacturing PMI An indicator of the economic health of the manufacturing sector. The PMI index is based on five major indicators: new orders, inventory levels, production, supplier deliveries and the employment environment. A reading of 50 means no contraction, >50 means expansion, and <50 means contraction Manufacturing is a good general indicator for the whole economy.
Number Dropped from 47.3 to 47
Explanation: China’s Explosive Growth in previous years caused energy and metals companies to ramp up production. Now with the slowdown in growth, there is a huge supply glut as commodity- based companies adjust to China’s slower growth. Most commodities are priced in dollars, which also depresses demand because commodities become more expensive to buy in cheaper currencies, especially those from emerging markets.
Many economies heavy in commodities exports are facing recession Examples include Australia (almost in a recession) and Brazil (currently in a recession) among others.
Australia- The majority of exports come from mining.
Australia In 2014, $90.13 of it’s total $ exports went to China. That’s around 50%!
Companies effected: Glencore Glencore is a commodity trading and mining company in Switzerland. Worlds Largest commodity trading company.
Glencore Stock
126 yr old Global Industrial Aluminum company splitting into two companies Raw Aluminum Production (keeps Alcoa/AA as name/ticker) upstream Value-added parts-making business (aluminum for cars, jet engine/airfoils, etc.) downstream CEO Klaus Kleinfield going over to new entity
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