C N H | K E Y C L U B Presented by: | Updated by: District Treasurer California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 CNH Drives: Membership, Dues & Funds Darin Ngo, District Treasurer
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Freshman Orientation/ Club Fair Showcase what makes Key Club so GOLDEN Service Leadership Inclusiveness Caring Trustworthiness Spirit Step One: Attracting Them
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Catch their eyes with… Spirit BEE spirited, but do not scare them. Moderation is key. Inclusiveness Do not exclude anyone when presenting information. Engage the audience! Information Capture their interests and share your own Ambitious? Leadership!
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Inspire Bring out the leaders in them – personal anecdotes are perfect here Publications Posters Newsletters Brochures – there are free brochures on the KC store Quick Incentives: Candy! Contact information
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | School Announce meetings to the campus! Posters Flyers School Announcements Wear Key Club gear Division shirts Officer polos Lanyards Pins Other Key Club Attire
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Time for recognition! AWARDS Member of the Month Recognize a member at meetings Templates for awards are available on the CyberKey Recognize the advisors as well Appreciating the advisor can motivate the advisor to continue their service Step Two: Keeping Them
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Keep members interested Consistent service opportunities Effective club meetings Education topics Icebreakers Guest speakers
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Create service projects with social gatherings for members to familiarize themselves with other members Great bonding opportunity Members love food! Have fun activities prepared Remember… ERFs !
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Stay in contact with the members If members do not know the happenings within the club, how will the club function ? Remind them of their successes Be careful with language; be positive!
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Have something new every month Break away from traditions Do NOT be afraid of new things
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Urge members (active or inactive) to renew their membership annually Educate members on the benefits of paying dues annually If they know where there money is going to, they will be more inclined to stay
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Most of all, tell them THANK YOU. Handwritten letters Awards
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Now that you have them interested, encourage them to become an official member. Official members must pay dues Explain what dues go towards Be ready for questions Dues and Membership
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Membership Card & Pin Administrative Budget Officer and Board Budget (Int’l President, VP, Trustees) Key Club Magazine International Convention Recognition Awards Administrative Budget Office and Board Budget (Exec’s, LTGs, Committee) Key Leader Scholarship Recognition Awards What Dues Go Towards DistrictInternational
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | -Dues can range between $11.50-$23.00 ($ 7.00 to International, and $4.50 to CNH) -Dates to Remember! (received by) The Basics Start PayingSeptember 1 st Early BirdNovember 1 st Regular DeadlineDecember 1 st Dues Become DelinquentDecember 2 nd Dues RecognitionFebruary 1 st SuspensionFebruary 1 st
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | September 30 th If your club is suspended make sure to pay your last years dues by this time. October 1 st MUC open September 1 st First Payment Date November 1 st Early Bird Dues Consider Nov 1 “THE DUES DEADLINE” December 1 st Make sure dues are sent in by this time or your club will be considered delinquent Consider Dec 1 “THE LATE DEADLINE” February 1 st Membership counts used for Recognition Important Dates
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | New members are welcome ALL YEAR Remember…
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | The beginning of the school year is always the time where incoming freshman and curious students go to meetings to see what this organization is about Take advantage of this burst of attendance The Gold Mine of New Members
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | #1 Question: Hey, what is Key Club? Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership. Our vision is to develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service. What is Key Club to you?
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Membership Update Center Login to the MUC Faculty Advisor’s registered should receive the password after pressing Register/Reset Password Advisor Change? Former advisor should contact Member Services with any advisor changes
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Officer and advisor information needs to be updated ASAP The first page of the MUC includes club info, quick financial information, club officers, advisors, and school contact information Club officers can be added/deleted Advisor changes need to be made by contacting Kiwanis 800-KIWANIS or
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Dues Collection should be introduced by the first club meeting. Use Membership Applications for an easy way to transfer membership information to the MUC
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Having these selections on a membership application will make the Club Secretary’s job easier
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | After all members are inputted into the MUC, you can generate an invoice Copies of invoice should be provided to book keeper and faculty advisor Follow up with book keeper to see if check mailed Lack of communication with club and school is a big factor of why clubs have late dues
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Send a copy of the printed invoice, along with a check payable to Key Club International to Key Club International PO Box 6069, Dept 123 Indianapolis, IN (unless paying via Credit Card) Submission
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Major Errors with Dues Payments PROCRASTINATION NOT FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS Updated MCU but did not generate invoice Updated MUC but did not send payment Sent payment with NO invoice Sent payment with NO invoice and no reference to club, district, etc.
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | EASIEST METHOD Access MUC early to confirm access Update roster then PAY ONLINE
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Be mindful of language and school policies CA Clubs: Due to the ACLU lawsuit, clubs have challenges collecting dues. Need to be updated on appropriate language/procedure to be able to collect fees on time Dues should be introduced as soon as the first meeting Communication is key for on-time dues Start early! Identify problems with the MUC before the school year starts Reminders
Training Topic: Effective Membership Drive and Dues Submission CNH Key Club District CNH | Questions? Comments? Concerns?