Paintball Elements Owner: Jacob Stoy
Name: Paintball Elements Business Model Reason: In Pennsylvania, we have to face all the elements of weather such as rain, sleet, snow, and sun. Name: Paintball Elements Service: Rent out both Paintball equipment and the use of fields to both private parties and “free play”. Type of Business Status: Start-up Legal Form: S-Corperation Reason: liablilities Form And Status Free standing building with 21.3 acres for paintball fields. Lincoln Rd Penn Hills, PA 15235 Location
Floor Plan
Paintball Field Example
Hours, Pricing, and Products Hours of Operation 11am – 5pm Sat-Sun 5pm-10pm (Night w/ lights) Fri-Sat 10am-5pm (Reservations) Mon-Fri Pricing Moderate Price Range Average spending per person: $50 (Paintball is an expensive sport) Focus on rental fees, not paint Products Rentals Field Renting Mainly “free” play Paintballs, guns, air compression, mask, pods, barrel plugs.
Goals and objectives Provide paintball service like no other in Pittsburgh. Introduce a new pricing plan than competitors that save money for both the business and consumer by cutting out the middle man. Become successful enough to eventually expand.
Background I have been playing Paintball for many years. My brother and I have always been looking for a good place to play We finally settled at three rivers but dislike the service and the prices. The only reason we go is because of the convenience of its proximity
Jobs Cashier Referee Mechanic Must ring up any new entries Knowledge of basic paintball subjects Fill up empty tanks of players Referee Must put together teams and games for players In control of each party that is playing Must maintain the safety of all players and enforce rules. Mechanic Fix any problems with guns and equipment Maintain all inventory/stock
Employee Wages Employees will work mostly on minimum wage ($7.25 per hour) Minimum of 12 Referees 8 Cashiers 6 Maintenance Workers Total of about 700 working hours a month 27 working hours per Employee $5000 dollars a month
Hiring Process First place to look would be high schools. Preferably juniors and seniors with paintball experience. If not enough, then fliers around the local area This will allow easy commute for workers Interview promising applicants Look for some knowledge of paintball and/or competence. Train those who need it in the fields that they will be performing.
Job Specification Form Company: Paintball Elements Job Title: Referee Rate of Pay: From $7.25 to $8.00 per hour Previous Job in Organization Chart: None Next Job in Organization Chart: None Supervisor’s Job Title: Owner – Jacob Stoy Qualifications Education: 10th grade high school or above. Experience: Some paintball experience required. Physical Requirements: Move around quickly – good eyesight and judgment in all things paintball. Specific Skills or Abilities Required: Count even teams, fix minor problems on guns, chronograph paintball speed. Training provided: Rules of paintball, shadowing trained referees. Job Requirements Major Job Tasks: Referee paintball matches, ensure the safety of players by enforcing rules, provide help to customers in all things paintball.
Job Specification form cont. Specific Job Duties: Provide help with minor gun problems Chronograph guns to ensure safe FPS Referee games to ensure player safety Discuss rules with all players to ensure no confusion. Number of work hours Required per week Maximum: 25 Minimum: 15 Normal Work Schedule: Daily: 5 hour days Mon-Thu Mon-Thurs: 12pm-5pm Friday: 5 hour shifts (morning and night) Friday: 12pm-5pm; 5pm-10pm Weekly: 6 hour Work days (weekends) Sat-Sun: 11am-5pm Employee Benefits Provided: Vacation: Non-paid Insurance: None Other: Free use of fields to employees.
Us Versus the Competition Why are we better? Different pricing strategy that saves both the consumer and the company money Better location that allows more people to easily get to our fields Better service to each individual player from novice to pro
Target Market All paintball players from pros to novices Free play Target kids to young adults from 16 to 30 Well set up fields attract the more experienced players Friendly service to those new to paintball Private Party Target anyone who wants to paintball with people they know Company outings, Bachelor parties, birthday parties, etc. Good prices and service
Grand Opening 15 dollar admission 50 dollar paint Free air Counts toward punch card Big Themed battles Raffles for gold, silver, and bronze passes
Includes free entry, rental, and air for a year Marketing Cost: $250 Includes free entry and air for a year. Cost: $200 Includes free entry for a year. Cost: $300 Includes free entry, rental, and air for a year GOLD BRONZE SILVER
MARKETING FRONT BACK Gold Member PAINTBALL ELEMENTS Name: John Smith Exp: 4/30/13 BACK Benefits of gold membership include free admission, free air/co2 refills, and MVP service. Caution: Paintball is a dangerous sport, the user of this card assumes all risk and liability associated with paintball while on the fields.
Buy 10 admissions get 11th Free MARKETING Cont. Paintball Elements Splatter Card Buy 10 admissions get 11th Free
Paintball Elements Equipment List Note: List any Equipment needed for start-up Required Equipment for Start Up Amount Total Resource Technology Computer(s) $ 500.00 ebay Printer(s) $ 200.00 Phone(s) $ 50.00 Web Page $ 300.00 Cash Register(s) $ 400.00 Total Technology Cost $ 1,450.00 Equipment Air/CO2 Compressor $ 6,000.00 50 rental guns $ 8,000.00 75 rental tanks $ 4,000.00 Repair tools $ 1,000.00 Other parts/rentals $ 3,000.00 Total Equipment Cost $ 22,000.00 Furniture & Fixtures Building $ 100,000.00 Total Furniture Cost Other Assets Land $ 120,000.00 Battlefield props Battlefield tools $ 250.00 Total Cost of Other Assets $ 123,250.00 TOTAL COST OF EQUIPMENT $ 246,700.00
$ 359,050.00 Paintball Elements Start Up Costs Note: Required Start-up Funds for New Business Required Start-Up Funds Amount Totals Fixed Assets Technology $ 1,450.00 Equipment $ 22,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures $ 100,000.00 Other Fixed Assets $ 123,250.00 Total Fixed Assets $ 246,700.00 Start-up Costs (one-time) Legal and Accounting Fees $ 1,000.00 Licenses Rent Deposit $ - Utility Deposit $ 250.00 Other one-time costs Total Start-up One-time Costs $ 2,250.00 TOTAL START-UP COSTS $ 248,950.00 Note: Copy from Income Statement Operating Expenses One-Month Cost of Goods Sold $ 1,200.00 Owner's Yearly Salary $ 5,000.00 Wage Expense Rent Expense Advertising Expense $ 750.00 Supplies Expense $ 4,000.00 Utilities Expense $ 2,000.00 Cell phone & Internet $ 200.00 Insurance Expense Total Operating Capital $ 18,350.00 Six-Month Operating Expenses + One-time Costs $ 110,100.00 Total Start-up Funds Required $ 359,050.00 **Start-up Funds + Six-Month Operating Expenses
Paintball Elements Income Statement 31-May-12 June July August September October November Revenue from Sales $ 37,500.00 $ 33,750.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 17,000.00 Avg. Customers/Day 30 25 20 17 Avg. Purchase Price $ 50.00 $ 45.00 $ 40.00 Days open per month Cost of Goods from Sales $ 1,200.00 Avg. Industry Markup 50% Gross Profit $ 36,300.00 $ 23,800.00 Operating Expenses: Owner's Yearly Salary $ 60,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Wage Expense $ 4,500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,500.00 Inventory Expense $ 3,000.00 $ 2,500.00 Advertising Expense $ 750.00 $ 675.00 $ 600.00 $ 500.00 $ 400.00 $ 340.00 Supplies Expense $ 2,000.00 Utilities Expense $ 1,500.00 $ 1,000.00 Cell phone & Internet $ 200.00 Insurance Expense Loan Payment $ 3,635.21 *4% interest over 10 years Total Operating Expense $ 24,785.21 $ 24,710.21 $ 24,635.21 $ 21,035.21 $ 19,935.21 $ 18,375.21 Net Income $ 11,514.79 $ 7,839.79 $ 4,164.79 $ 2,764.79 $ (1,135.21) $ (2,575.21)
Loan Information Require a 360,000 dollar loan This includes building, land, and set up fees At 4% interest we expect to pay back the loan in 10 years 3,635 per month With projected income, company should maintain substantial profit even while paying back loan