Do I want this car … ? Do I want this car … ? … or do I want that other car? … or do I want that other car? The Comparison or Contrast Essay Presentation adapted from:
Do I want this guy … ? Do I want this guy … ? … or do I want that guy? … or do I want that guy?
Do I want to visit Egypt on my next vacation … ? Do I want to visit Egypt on my next vacation … ? … or do I want to go to Las Vegas? … or do I want to go to Las Vegas?
Do I want to eat something healthy … ? Do I want to eat something healthy … ? … or do I want something bad? … or do I want something bad?
Understand what comparison or contrast requires you to do. Always choose two equal items—two cars, two vacations, two sports stars— not two unequal items, like a car and an octopus. Next, decide if you want to compare or contrast as your primary strategy. The essay should be 80/20 in favor of one strategy, not 50/50. Your job is to interest the reader. Choose points to discuss that are not immediately obvious.
Now let’s test your understanding... Now let’s test your understanding...
A baby is like a vacuum cleaner. WRONG!
Even though my little brother Fred is 20 years my junior, he and I have much in common. Yeah, baby!
My sister and I look alike, have common hobbies, and enjoy the same foods. Boring!
Even though Venus and Serena Williams are both professional tennis stars, they differ in their opinions about men, movies, and music. Excellent!
Make the comparison or contrast interesting. Be sure that your essay has a purpose. Ask yourself this important question: Why would anyone want to read this comparison or contrast? Consider giving the essay a specific audience. Imagine the essay is a letter to a specific person. Dear Mom and Dad, My current car is a death trap! Do you want me to be the reason I-4 traffic is at a standstill? For this reason, I want you to consider helping me pay for my dream car, a 2011 Honda Accord …
How to organize your essay Option #1: The BLOCK format Option #1: The BLOCK format (see page 127 in your text)Introduction Subject A Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Subject B Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Conclusion
How to organize your essay Option #2: The ALTERNATING format Introduction Point 1 Subject A Subject B Point 2 Subject A Subject B Point 3 Subject A Subject B Conclusion
If we follow the advice above … Do we have two like things? How are they alike? Would it be better to compare or contrast? What is the purpose? What will make the essay interesting? Would Pattern A or Pattern B work the best?
Comparison and Contrast Transitions Also By the same token In comparison LikewiseSimilarlyAlthoughBut Even though However In contrast On the contrary On the other hand Yet
ReadRead Read “Distance Learning versus Traditional Classes” on page 205. With a partner, discuss questions 1-3.
The Assignment Choose a topic from pages 124 (#1) or 207 (#1) OR you may choose your own based on the criteria discussed today.Choose a topic from pages 124 (#1) or 207 (#1) OR you may choose your own based on the criteria discussed today. Decide on format A or B.Decide on format A or B. Write a 500 word essay using TNR, 12 pt. font, double-spaced.Write a 500 word essay using TNR, 12 pt. font, double-spaced. *Bring a printed copy, but also a digital copy (via flash drive or it to yourself). DUE: THURSDAY, 4/18.