Thomas Jefferson School PBIS Kick-Off Thomas Jefferson School
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports What is it PBIS? Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to teaching and supporting positive behaviors and meeting the needs of ALL students. This school-wide approach to discipline focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.
Origins of PBIS Fern Ridge Middle School, Eugene, OR, 1994 – A school in need of a systems approach to discipline: 880 students - reported over 5,100 office discipline referrals in one academic year Rob Horner, George Sugai and Anne Todd, Professors at University of Oregon, focus Fern Ridge Middle School on the research regarding effective practices. The Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) process begins and the National Center for PBIS was formed
Illinois Leads the Nation in PBIS Implementation School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) are currently being implemented in approximately 13,7OO schools and 49 states across the country. Illinois continues to lead the nation with the largest number of implementing schools. As of June 30, 2010, PBIS was being implemented in 1,307 Illinois schools. FY 10 Illinois Statewide Report Illinois PBIS Network
The 3 R’s of Thomas Jefferson School Respect Yourself Respect Others Respect Our School
T.J. Jets Flight Plan for Success All Settings & Community Halls Bathrooms Bus Cafeteria Playground Assembly Emergencies Respect Yourself Follow directions Line basics Quick Clean Quiet Remain Seated Line Basics Sit at assigned table Follow playground rules Sit Criss-crossed Be an active listener Follow Directions Others Take turns KHFOOTY Polite Language Wait patiently Eyes on your own business Quiet Voices Polite language Wait 3 giant steps away Café voices Eat only your food Good manners Share Stay seated Voices off Voices Off Our School Use materials properly Clean up Hands off walls Keep clean 1 Paper Towel Keep water in sink Throw towels in garbage Follow directions Keep bus clean One trip through the service line Raise hand Use materials and equipment properly and safely Be on time Be litter free
Pilot Wings-Tickets Pilot Wings These tickets are used daily for students who are displaying appropriate behavior as indicated by the matrix. During the school year , students would be reinforced for any behavior outlined on the matrix. These tickets can be given out by any staff member. Substitute teachers may give out white tickets that are equal to 5 pink tickets.Once students have earned 10 tickets, they may purchase an item from the PBIS store, or wait to earn more tickets to purchase an item of greater value. For 150 tickets, students have the opportunity to become principal for the day.
Celebrations: We have a variety of celebrations, such as: Fun Fridays, Perfect Attendance, etc. These celebrations are to reward and reinforce students for their positive behaviors and academic successes. Each classroom teacher chooses a Pilot of the Week, to acknowledge students that consistently follow the flight plan.
For more information about PBIS please contact: Michelle Coconate Comprehensive System of Student Support Facilitator 672-6536