IPTS Workshop on Cyber Crime German Developments
Definition No common (international) definitions on High-tech crime Cyber crime Computer crime It-crime No Internet crime
Definition German police: IT-Crime: all criminal offences aimed at disturbing data networks or using data networks Computer crime: all criminal offences containing “ADP” in its elements
Statistics Prosecution Investigation Crime Statistics of Police ( Information service on IT-crime
Criminal Investigation Departments Federal Police: BundeskriminalamtFederal Police: Bundeskriminalamt State Police: 16 States 16 Main offices (in state capitals „Landeskriminalamt“/LKA) ?Field offices in each townState Police: 16 States 16 Main offices (in state capitals „Landeskriminalamt“/LKA) ?Field offices in each town
BKA IT-Crime Unit Intelligence Forensics Internet investigations Internet patrol
State Polices Landeskriminalämter Computer crime units (investigation) Computer forensic units Field offices Fraud units
Skill BKA Trained officers for Internet investigations in two specialised units Landeskriminalämter Trained officers for computer crime Few experts for Internet investigations Field offices No trained officers
Training Common concept but no money
Training Private companies In-house courses Federal Police
Training Differs from State to State State Police Introduction by experts of the Federal Police
Awareness Law Enforcement Inadequate Lack of Readiness Politicians Lack of knowledge of the background
Co-operation Business world Bankers no information voluntarily Traders fear of rivalry Telecommunication carriers
Co-operation Industry Lack of knowledge within police Lack of time within police One-way street to industry side
Co-operation No fixed working group Meetings with target groups on current problems (e.g. ISPs, Internet auctioneers, consumer associations) LE - Industry - Conferences
Main Problems Lack of trained and equipped officers Procedural law Mutual legal assistance Privacy