Keys to Understanding the Chapter
Pronouns can be a little tricky Pronouns can be a little tricky. Many people make errors when using pronouns! A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. For example, instead of saying: Fred is a nice guy, Fred volunteers at the shelter. We say, Fred is a nice guy, he volunteers at the shelter.
Antecedents The word a pronoun refers to is called the antecedent. The most important thing is that the pronoun and antecedent AGREE. Agreement means that if you have a singular word, you use a singular pronoun and if you have a plural word, you use a plural pronoun.
Words that are SINGULAR (but don’t seem like it) Some words seem like they should be plural, but they are not. These pronouns are ALWAYS singular: Everybody Everyone Each See the list on page 237.
Examples: Everyone is invited (not Everyone are invited). Each of the students has his/her own assignment. (Not their own assignment)
Collective Nouns Collective nouns refer to groups. They are singular. Words like committee, group, flock, etc. are examples of collective nouns. You must use singular pronouns with collective nouns.
Examples of Collective Nouns The jury reached its decision. (Not their decision. The committee held its meeting on Tuesday. (not held their meeting.
Vague Pronoun Reference When you write, you should avoid using vague pronoun references. That means it should be obvious what your pronouns refer to. For example: I used to go to the community center, but last year, they tore it down. They is a vague pronoun. Who is they? The city, the landowners? Be specific.
The Pronoun YOU It is usually best to avoid the word YOU in writing. Many times students use YOU to refer to people in general. Don’t say: “You should plan regular study time during the week.” Instead say: College students should plan regular study time during the week.
THAN and AS After the words than and as you usually use subject pronouns (I, she, he, they). I am taller than she. Mike runs faster than I. An easy way to think about it, is to mentally add a verb. (I am taller than she is). That way it sounds correct.
SELF and SELVES Pronouns ending in self or selves are called reflexive pronouns. They are only used when you do something for yourself or to yourself. For example, I bought myself a new car. He did it all by himself.
Don’t use myself at other times. The following sentence is incorrect: The meeting was attended by John, Alberto and myself. It should say: “The meeting was attended by John, Alberto and me.”