Daily Journal Digital Citizenship SSR Vocabulary Story
What is cyber bullying? Do you think it exists today in our schools? How do you think we can prevent it from happening? Give examples explaining your ideas and how it would help prevent it. Make sure Journal are completed by tomorrow. They will be collected again!
Make sure you are seated and reading when the bell rings and continue to do so for the entire 20 minutes. Remember this time is worth 10% of your grade!
Complete the crossword puzzles. Make sure you are identifying the correct type of noun.
Complete the Noun Review Sheet. Make sure you can identify and define the following: Noun Common/Proper Collective/Compound Concrete/Abstract Singular/Plural Possessive TEST FRIDAY! (After Spelling/Vocab Test)
Select 6 spelling/vocabulary words and use them in a short story. It must make sense, have an introduction, body (with conflict), and conclusion (resolution), along with characters and dialogue. Underline the vocabulary words within the story. Test on Friday! Spelling Definition Correct Usage