Open The Box of Science Review on Test of Scientific Literacy Skills-1 Robert, Hao Chen
What this test wants to tell us? T&T Understand methods of inquiry that lead to scientific knowledge Organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative data, scientific information Scientific Literacy skills Scientific view Logistic way
Identify a valid scientific argument Lower sea level this year The sea level is not rising The temperature is lower this year Climate is changing. Scientific evidence Claims Facts or unrelated evidences X Recognize what qualifies as scientific evidence and when scientific evidence supports a hypothesis Experiment and results.
Read and interpret graphical representations of data Data Graphic Interpret data presented graphically to make a conclusion about study findings Liner Exponential S-shape …… Slope Increasing rate...…
Understand and interpret basic statistics Average Life expectancy is different Significantly difference Statistics Understand the need for statistics to quantify uncertainty in data Software Life Expectancy Data in 1,000 Americans Women average 80.1 Men average 74.9
Understand elements of research design 35% of control group, 75% of experimental group SJTU sample represents China? Observe effect in different year? Ambiguity Identify strengths and weaknesses in research design related to bias, sample size, randomization, and experimental control Randomization RepresentativeRepresentative Control Samples Experimental Design
We not only focus on study progress, but also the research areas around the world! Robert, Hao Chen